[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/6Hbcb98.jpg[/IMG] [h2][center]~| The Sacking of Coruscant- Training Ground|~ ~| Day 1, 11th hour |~ [/center][/h2] Talon’s claws gently scraped against the temple’s flooring as she walked towards one of the many training grounds. Most days after a mission the Amaran just wanted to be left alone, isolated from the rest of the world, and unbothered from any contact from the outside world like the good old days. Then again the “good old days” consisted in constant running from guards or even gangsters, who were attempting to protect their valuables. How many years had it been since the young woman had left? Cast out from her home moon, vowing to never walk upon its comforting ground, just to stay alive for a longer time span? What would have happened if the girl had successfully dodged the Jedi until he had left the criminal moon? The answer would have most likely been dead inside some back alley. Buried like a dirty secret which should have never been brought into the light. A soft chuckle slipped from her throat, as she shook her mind clear of such bothersome thoughts. There wasn't anything which would allow her to go back in time and change the life’s path that had been unburied from its darkest depths. Nothing would help Talon erase all the wrongs that cluttered her pure black slate. Granted that if there was such a thing, the young woman would have kept her parents from going to such a dangerous place and get killed second upon arrival. She couldn't help but wonder if they were attempting to go after something. Something much more important than their lives or the life of their child. The Amaran’s right front paw slowly ran against her temple, shifting the usually messy red fur from its place, before scratching the back of her neck. [color=#CD853]”Looks like I chose the right hallway. I wonder if the human was able to gain another mission. Hmm…”[/color] she said out loud to herself. The woman walked a little bit farther out, paw just touching the soft grass, before her right ear flickered towards the temple front. Something felt wrong. As if something had forced its way into the Amaran’s den. The girl sighed as she rushed back into the temple with one goal in mind. Get the younglings out before they were harmed. The farther Talon ran inside the louder the noises seemed to increase. There was a hint of what smelt like oil, burning flesh, and something else she couldn't quite grasp. Which clearly told the girl that the Jedi was under attack by the Sith. If the past had ever taught her something important than it would have been having the element of surprise on your side. An advantage that they had just lost within a day. The Amaran slowly leaned forward while trying to decide if going on all four paws was a good idea or not. Yes it would help her build momentum faster but if the young woman ran into Sith then that would be one hell of a chase. Thankfully she knew she was much more slimmer in build compared to the stories which other Jedi had brought with them. Not adding to the advantage of fitting into tight spaces. [color=#CD853][i]” I might be able to switch my positions fairly quickly. Though the timing might be a bit harder. On the plus side they would have to hit a moving target.”[/i][/color] the woman commented inside her mind. Before she could make a logical decision she was down on all fours half way down the hallway. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mo8U37N.png[/img][/center] [h2][center]~| The Sacking of Coruscant- Cerria’s Room|~ ~| Day 1, 11th hour |~ [/center][/h2] [b]5 Minutes Earlier[/b] Plopping down on her bunk, Cerria let out a side, her damp brown hair surround her like a halo. She was dressed in her usual white Jedi robes. She had gotten done with another round of training and gotten a shower after making her feel refreshed. Though throughout her training, she kept getting a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was going to happen. [color=#48C9B0]”I could be just imagining it. After all that last mission really left me quite on edge.”[/color] she muttered to herself. Sitting up, she grabbed her water canister that was sitting by her lightsaber and frowned when she felt how severely light. [color=#48C9B0]”Hmm I better go get some more water then...”[/color] Grumbling, she grabbed her lightsaber and attached it to her side. Leaving her room, she felt her blood run cold as she heard loud, booming noises. [color=#48C9B0]”What the hell?”[/color] She ran towards a nearby window and felt just pure coldness seem across her body. She backed away and ran down the hall. [b]Present[/b] Ignoring the soreness that was now choosing to set in. She bumped into her master. He had turned his head, a worried expression. She had already seen Shiri already bolting towards a different area. Cerria met eyes with her master as he said: “Cerria, I want you to go to the temple archives and wait there. You’re not fit for combat but you can heal the wounded and we can shepherd them to you. Now go.” Unable to disobey her master no matter how much she wanted to stay by his side, she nodded. [color=#48C9B0]”Yes master”[/color] She started to run again only to stop and look at her master. She couldn't shake the dreaded feeling that this would be the last time she would ever see him. Blinking the tears away, she ran down a hallway. With her heartbeat pounding against her ear drums, she was unaware of how loud her running footsteps were. Looking up finally, she could see two glowing orbs of yellow ahead. She knew is instantly whose eyes they belonged to. [color=#48C9B0]”TALON!”[/color] She called out.