Meesei was silent for a few moments. In all honesty, she was not surprised at such news about Ahnasha. She had seen how she had been slowly changing over the years. She had been the one handling Ahnasha's reports whenever she was given an individual mission, so she knew that her methods had grown gradually more cruel. The very fact that she was willing to use black souls in her research was telling. And Meesei had done nothing to stop such progression. Meesei could not say that she had any right to denounce Ahnasha's actions when she had made similar ones at times. She had killed those that most would deem innocent, in the name of protecting her pack, or the clans. If someone learned too much about them, she sometimes felt that she had no choice but to make sure they could not be a threat. There were, of course, other times that Meesei had shown mercy, but the fact remained that she was not entirely innocent. Still, if Sabine was right, then Ahnasha might have gone too far, even for Meesei. What truly surprised Meesei, however, was the fact that Fendros was seemingly accepting of what Ahnasha had done. Meesei would not at all have predicted that he would be complicit in something of that nature. Granted, Meesei did not have all of the information. Sabine herself did not seem to be completely confident in her version of the events. It was possible that Fendros disapproved, but was willing to ignore it since Ahnasha was his wife, or perhaps they had already dealt with the issue in private and did not want to trouble Sabine about it. In any case, it was a development that Meesei would need to keep a close eye on. Meesei gave a deep sigh before responding to Sabine. "This was something that I have feared for a while. War...can be a frightening thing for many reasons. We have all been through so much pain and suffering ourselves, that it can make it hard for us to see the suffering in others. I cannot say what happened, as I was not there. Not for certain, at any rate. If the wound was relatively minor, Ahnasha might not have seen the pain she inflicted as being significant. As we both know, she had been through a torture more horrible than anything any person should have to bear. That might have been the start of something that caused her views to become...warped. For her, and perhaps Fendros, it may be that we need to be ready to help them down a gentler path."