It was Zuri whom beaconed them from beyond the secured lab. Travis hadn't anticipated her to pop up or even find him and Felix but Felix had deduced that she had likely tracked them down due to traces of his aura. It was of little consequence however as she gave her query about her abilities. While Travis had been devoted in to perfecting his runic project, he had however gotten word of the uncertainty surrounding what she was capable of and her unique ebony aura. There was also the unusual fact of her imprisonment within the catacombs which bore no explanation. It simply made sense for her now to address her concerns and how she may use her mana and be of use to their team. While the question was somewhat vague, Felix had nonetheless educated Zuri about how her mana well could be utilized and what was to be expected. It was of course information Travis knew already based on personal experiences and the Arch Mage summed the explanation up well enough that Zuri appeared pleased with the quick lecture. It was then she described the reluctance of her memories returning to her, even after sometime after her awakening. Felix, not surprisingly, caught on once Zuri explained that her memories were somehow obscured and eventually deemed the case cause was due to a curse. Travis had to take a minute more to piece together the likelihood of that diagnosis after Felix verified the existence of another aura surrounding Zuri. Just for the sake of trying, Felix had casted an unfamiliar purification spell upon Zuri to remedy the supposed curse. Unfortunately, the alien aura remained present and briefly brought Felix into fleeting pause before he produced an idea that both appealed to Travis and bothered him. Travis knew where Felix was getting at just as he abruptly mentioned ley-lines and while the concept of using his rune to surgically separate the curse in the most unorthodox of methods seemed practical, even with the eventual notion of finding a reversal plan to counter-act the effects, he felt reluctant trying on a living being. Felix however appeared optimistic and promoted the idea to Travis whom gave his best reassured smile he could muster despite his sudden unbalanced feeling regarding the matter. "Y-yeah," he replied as he tried to hide the uncertainty in his tone, "I'm sure I can solve our ley-line problem."