Meesei hummed briefly as she considered the wording of her answer. "I would not say precisely that her torture those years ago is the cause of her current behavior. I believe it is a fair bit more complicated than that. That torture was the start. It was horrific, and it made it easier for her to justify cruelty against her enemies. After all, if those we fight are willing to do such things, then why would they deserve any mercy? In her mind, at least. The one who tortured her was not one of Vile's minions, but they are not always any better than he was. At any rate, when she began her research into necromancy, it was not difficult for her to view taking the souls of our enemy for her purpose. I do not know that I can fault her for it, honestly. Every soul that Vile claims gives him strength, so soul trapping his followers does weaken him in a small way. And, I completely understand her desire to live a long life with Fendros." Lowering her gaze slightly, Meesei sighed. "But, the necromancy likely also plays a hand in this. Necromancers are often thought of as being evil, but that is not strictly true. A necromancer can practice their magic without crossing any real moral boundaries, but crossing those boundaries can be beneficial to them. As well, I think it has changed the way she thinks, in a way. In learning her craft, she has needed to learn a great deal about the body, much like a healer. I would wager that she knows just as much about the body as either of us, but instead of focusing on life, her studies have concentrated on death. I fear it may have shifted her views on pain and suffering, which are not as consequential to necromancers. I do not believe she would ever fall to a state where she would be willing to murder a child, but she may not see pain like we do. It also does not help that her methods have been quite effective. Ahnasha is one of the most self-reliant and efficient people under my command. Of our pack, I would say she is the most effective at working alone. She is quiet, cunning, and has all of the necessary skills to deal with unfavorable odds. Ever since she learned to reanimate multiple bodies at once, every kill she makes turns into an asset for her. If she views the ends as justifying the means, it could be difficult." Meesei reached over and placed a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "I cannot say I have an answer for how to help her right now, but I am sure we can figure it out together. We can be there for her to help make sure she does not do anything she may regret. But Fendros...I am not sure what to make of him. It is unexpected to me that he would be so accepting. What do you make of him?"