Sabine wished she could be certain of Fendros as well. She stopped to think about it, coming up with reasons in a similar manner to Meesei. She had been so anxious about it that any such thought had been shallow up until now. "I could be a few things." Sabine spoke cautiously, if only to let her mind run faster than her mouth. "Fendros said that they did not want to harm the family. I think he can tell that Ahnasha is being cruel and is trying to stop her. He has always been considerate when leading, and he was considerate with that family. He let them escape from Vile. He has not been studying necromancy, either." Sabine's shoulders sank. "Or he could be lying to protect Ahnasha. Either way, I do not know if he knows how to help Ahnasha either. If he wants to live with Ahnasha for a long time as well, maybe he does not want us in the rest of the pack to stop Ahnasha extending her life because of what it could be making her do." Sabine rested her forehead on her knees and closed her eyes. "I asked Marcaille if I could learn how to extend my life. I do not want to do it anymore. Not if it will change me like that."