Kinetic energy? That was the energy that moved, right? Her science capabilities were below average, but she got the jist of it from his description. It makes things go boom, in simple, Bonny friendly terms. He seemed pretty proud of this power; enough to compare it to another very strong mutant, at least. At that point, though, she had figured out that he was a massive show off, so it was kind of expected that he’d mention how powerful he was. “That seems like an interesting power. Pretty useless in day to day life unless you’re beating people up, though.” She couldn’t really talk; her power was far more useless in day to day life than blowing up random objects. Blowing up random objects could be a pretty interesting power, in hindsight. Minus the fact that it was pretty terrifying. She set her empty mug down beside her, tapping a finger on her leg. She didn’t want to probe into his personal life, and she really didn’t have much else to ask about the institute. The best way of learning the majority of the reins to a place was exploring and figuring it out as one goes. It was more on the end of her not being able to think of any specific questions instead of wanting to explore, though. With that in mind, she scooped her puzzle bag back up and rummaged through it. It took a moment, but she finally settled on her puzzle book as a form of entertainment. She knew it would keep her preoccupied; she wasn’t exactly good at puzzles. They were just fun and rewarding in the end. She flipped through the first handful of pages that she had completed before settling on a new puzzle. It looked fairly complex; she mentally wished herself luck before beginning to read.