[h3]Temple Assault[/h3] [h2][center]~| The Sacking of Coruscant-Main Hall|~ ~| Day 1, 11th hour |~ [/center][/h2] Sish leaned down as the shuttle began to shake, heading faster and faster to the temple of the jedi. “Try not to die. I’d hate to have wasted years of effort. And remember, mercy will get you killed just as quickly by your [i]allies[/i] as hesitation will by your enemies.” The shaking got worse, rocking them from side to side. Sish swayed with the suddenly movements, easily adapting. He grinned. “If you’re going to try something, I suggest you try it from the front. Only weaklings can’t look their enemies in the eye as they kill them, and I just might break your legs and leave you here to die if you don’t try from the front.” Jayda didn’t reply at first. Her eyes closed and her figure leaned against the shuttle’s wall, her hand hung down by her hip. Fingers ready to grip her lightsaber at an instance while she tried to quiet Sish’s words from her focus and center herself, her emotions tamed for the fight to come. She opened her eyes at his mention of breaking her legs then leaving her die as she spoke, “Does it really matter? You’ve already tried and it didn’t work very well, your next attempt will fail too. I have too much hatred to simply give up.” Sish chuckled., bracing as they crashed through the front of the temple. “Kill you? Jayda, if I truly wanted to kill you, you would've already died far before now. Not just been tossed through a window like a piece garbage. You’ve got too much potential to just die.” “You still left me to die and I didn’t,” Jayda pointed out, ignoring his adjustment of facts. Her hand lingered closer to her weapon and seemed ready for his reaction, “Your next attempt will the same. I’m going to kill you and nothing will stop me.” “And I’m proud of you for living and I’ll be proud of you for finally freeing yourself of weakness. If you ever do.” The ship skidded to a stop. They ignited their blades, almost in unison, and charged out. Sish leapt forward, cutting down the shocked looking human before he could even draw a blade. He threw another one through a wall with the Force, and then they reacted. His blade caught a jedi’s, and Sish bared his teeth in joy. This was what he lived for. He pushed the lightsaber off of his own, sweeping his blade low with one hand. As it was blocked, Sish raised his cybernetic hand and bathed his opponent in flames. Sish left him to burn and scream, leaping at another opponent. Jady inhaled then took off in Sish’s wake. A Jedi, a human knight, flipped over the Sith Lord and fell in her path, his blade flickered to life. In an instance, her blade jerked upward in an soresu defensive move and batted the attack to angle above his head. Not fully done, her blade flowed out to a counter attack when it sliced at the navel. The Jedi jerked back and flipped backwards. Her mind shifted to soresu as she went on the offensive. Her arm ached for a diagonal slice from the Jedi’s right shoulder to his hip, hoping to score. Movement from her peripheral caught her attention, a Temple guard intending to assist his ally, and her rush forward slowed in a moment. The blaster bolt erupted from the muzzle and shot at her right side. Her attack crossed over her front then rotated the blade in a C, blocking the attack at her exposed side. The attack then clip the attacker with his own blaster bolt. When her rush came to a halt, the Jedi had landed. His right foot lead and kicked him toward her, their blades sparked on contact. Once, twice then trice while danced in a straight line. In Jayda’s mind, she tried to place each move or tactic within one of the seven forms. So far the Knight only knew Makashi and Ataru. At the third time, Jayda’s blade locked and ripped it down to the ground. Her leg flipped out and caught the Jedi’s head side. His body was tossed to the side, his light saber deactivated, while he rolled back to his feet. He wasn’t done. The human’s legs coiled, then jerked up sending him into a frontal flip as his lightsaber made to come crashing down over her horned head and follow up by landing down at her back side. She freed one of her hands to send a force push at him. Unable to dodge, the man was promptly thrown off course and into one of the pillars. It cracked then crumbled on impact. Sish deflected a blaster bolt into a Temple Guard’s chest, before catching a padawan’s lightsaber with his own. “Cute.” Sish slammed his robotic claw into the padawan’s stomach, ripping upwards. He left the padawan to fall to her knees, trying to catch her eviscerated organs. He pushed another jedi to the ground, pinning the Zabrak to the ground. Sish grinned, taking two steps forward and bringing his lightsaber down in a two handed blow, only to have it caught by another lightsaber. Sish immediately swung his blade up, missing as the jedi darted back. He threw the Zabrak across the battlefield, turning his attention to this new foe with a grin. His blade fell towards the new jedi’s head, brought down with all his strength. The jedi attempted to block it directly, and was forced to his knees by the strength of the blow. Sish kicked him in the chest. The Trandoshan’s biggest claw shattered the sternum and punched into his chest, ripping out a second later as Sish’s red lightsaber removed his head from his shoulder’s. Sish glanced at Jayda, grinning. “Still alive I see!” Jayda rolled her eyes at the Lord’s comment, her attention drawn to the chaos around her. Two more temple guards turned their focus on her and raised their blasters. Not giving them the chance, her free hand jerked up the lightsaber dropped from earlier Jedi then chucked it at the nearest one. He, predictably, pulled up his weapon to block the attack while the other fired. She raised her lightsaber from the right then crossed over her chest, deflecting the bolt back, and rushed to close the distance. Her weapon cut through the metal and it fell into two pieces, the weapon useless. The human stared in shock as she grabbed his arm collar. She tugged him forward and her blade went through, hitting the heart and instantly killing him. His companion turned his gun on her causing her to use the lifeless corpse to block it. The armor limited the damage and she kicked it toward the still living threat, his figure forced to take two steps back to avoid being pinned. Jayda then struck. She flipped to So Djem. Her right foot lead while her right hand flicked forward, a diagonal slice across the chest. Naturally the guard hoped to lessen the damage with his weapon only to find it did little to nothing against her blade. His stun look was plastered upon his face when his legs gave out and his lifeless corpse toppled to the ground. Sish leapt into a group of non-jedi Temple Guard, lightsaber flashing as he tore them to shreds in a matter of seconds. Another jedi leapt at him, and Sish caught him with lightning throwing the spasming human back into the battlefield. He leapt forward after the jedi, cutting another non-jedi Temple Guard down as the electrified jedi desperately deflected his stab. Sish sent lightning at the his opponent again, dodging to the side as it was deflected at him. The jedi picked herself up and pushed at Sish. Sish’s claws scraped against the floor as he resisted. Force speed flooded his limbs and he rushed the jedi, just a blur of movement crossing the distance. The Zelosian Knight moved in similar speed, catching his lightsaber on her own. They continued like this for a few moments, lightsabers flashing and sparking as they clashed. They raced across the battlefield, the Zelosian leaping and dodging as Sish attempted to cut her down. Sish snarled in anger. “Hold still and die!” The Zelosian smirked in response, sliding his blade off of her own. Sish snarled again, pausing a moment. As the Zelosian opened her mouth to make some snarky comment, he suddenly thrust his hand out, draining the energy from her. The Zelosian stumbled, gasping, and Sish capitalized with his new source of energy, lunging forward. His lightsaber caught her between the ribs, and she fell to her knees, eyes wide with pain and shock. Sish grinned. “You fought better than most, weakling.” In an instant, he severed her head from her shoulders. Jayda casually walked from the slayed human. All around her, the fight was dying down a bit compared to its early beginnings. Her eyes panned the scene for any still holding fight within them. The Knight from earlier had finally risen back to his feet and narrowed his eyes upon her. His hand shot out to his side and snatched his lightsaber from the crumbled Temple guard, the handle flew into his stretched out hand. It came to life with a hum. It was followed by one more when another knight approached her from the back. Slowly her figure fell into a soresu defensive position. Her arm pulled back with her lightsaber raised above, her legs lowered and her free arm pushed out at the first knight, a her attention split between her sight and hearing. The first knight rushed forward. His left leg lead and brought his blade down at her neck and shoulder, her blade smack across enough to block it away. Then she turned her blade up to vertically at her left to block another attack as the Jedi began to bat away at her. Her eyes noted the location of the second, an Ithorian, slightly wounded from taking down earlier apprentices, he lit up his blue one. With killing intention, he thrusted at the right side of her exposed back. Jayda free hand jerked out. Her force caught the temple guard's body then jerked it into the lightsaber’s way, her other hand batted the human’s incoming weapon to the right. She took a left step to avoid the back one further in the event her tactic didn’t work. The Ithorian cut right through the flesh and bone easily without a trace of respect for the deceased. Her head whipped about to spot him closing in as her original opponent wasn’t about to allow her to disengage, his figure jerked closer and then strike out his blade end to slice at her upper shoulder. Again, her soresu turned up to create an nearly impenetrable barrier by creating a diagonal block across her chest. The Ithorian had arrived within range then lashed out his own lightsaber at her back. Jayda pushed her own weapon up and flipped it behind her to deflect the attack. Their combat continued with blows being exchanged through the scenery, Jayda and neither of the Jedi giving an inch in their desire to win. Each flipping from defense to offense in short bursts, lighting the scene with their deadly dance. Unknown to her, one of the still living temple guards edged into place then took aim. A blaster shot fired at her just when her blade blocked both Jedi from slicing her into two from the right. Pain poured through her system but she refused to scream, even when her flesh burning reached her nostrils and threatened to make her sick. In the heat of the moment, she shoved both the knights back a few feet while her purple eyes flashed in anger at the source of the blaster bolt. A mistake she would regret because the Ithorian promptly lifted his hand and used one of his force abilities at her distracted and weakened mind. Jayda found herself heavier than before. Her lightsaber moved slowly into a defensive position, halfway on her torso and held by both hands. Something was wrong, her mind realized quickly. Each will within her pushed out against the Ithorian’s stasis, urging herself to move faster with little success. Her lacking training in the more mental aspects of the force had come to bite her in the ass now. The Ithorian didn’t move while he struggled to maintain the stasis force he had placed upon the apprentice. Meanwhile, his hammer head shot a nod toward his human ally. A small determined smirk crossed the Jedi’s face before he shot forward to finish her. A massive blur slammed into the human, tossing him to the ground. In an instant, a red lightsaber was shoved through his chest. Sish’s lighting caught and threw the non-sensitive Temple Guard into a nearby pillar, his head cracking violently against it. The Guard slumped to the bottom and didn’t move. Sish turned his grin on the Ithorian. “Quite the problem you have here.” He took a step towards the Jedi. “Certain death is approaching, and you can’t let your stasis go or certain death will immediately happen and kill you.” Another step. “Make your choice.” Another step. Sish’s grin was growing larger as he lifted up his robotic arm. Sish’s arm spewed flames and the Ithorian dodged out of the way. Sish’s lightsaber caught him through the stomach. Sish turned to Jayda, grinning as the Ithorian’s top half fell from his lower. “So. Having fun?” The apprentice snorted in disgust when her muscles released from their frozen captivity, her lightsaber deactivated now that the last of the Jedi were killed. Her head turned over to her shoulder to spy the blaster mark that had nailed through the top of her top of her shoulder and left it’s painful aftermath. Most the armor deflected it but it hurt nevertheless. Her attention returned back to her ‘Lord’ when she twisted her head back, glaring balefully at him, “No. I’m not.” “A pity. I trust you’re using your emotions and not hiding from them?” Sish enquired, walking through the battlefield. “You’re likely to be killed if you are. You do remember where we are going? Trapped with a large amount of Sith trying to turn Jedi, vying for Nyiss’ approval by any means necessary. That means converting Jedi or killing other Sith. Particularly impures.” Sish grinned at her. “You don’t want to be killed by a random Sith before you can kill me, do you?” “I use them when I need them,” Jayda continued to growl, her lightsaber tucked at her belt and secured. However, her hand continued to hover there in caution, “I don’t use them all the time and that won’t happen. Rather pointless to become a raging monster when it risks crippling me and still defeats my ability to actually meet my goal.” She was hinting toward Sish’s cybernetic replacements, her hand adjusted her arm on her shoulder which had sustained damage and would need repair later. It had been some time since she needed to do so and she mentally cursed herself not doing it prior to this conflict. Her clothes, surprisingly, had sustained little damage aside from the blaster hole in her shoulder, “Considering we just destroyed their temple, isn’t it a little pointless to be taking such dangerous prisoners?” “I never said becoming a raging monster. Just use your emotions. Otherwise, you’ll end up like all of them.” Sish gestured to the bodies all around them. “Some were sith using emotions ‘only when they needed them’ others were jedi hiding their emotions away behind layers of repression and training. Use your emotions in combat, and do try not to be ruled by them. Otherwise you’ll end up dead and a failure. Like how I had to save you from the Wookies, or all of those delightful children on Tatooine.” Sish grinned as he stepped over another body. Jayda tightened up and let out a soft, barely audible growl at his mention of the children. His casual tone disgusted her and her eyes watched him with a judgment while he moved. Her fingers lowered slightly to her blade, ready to pull it free as the thoughts of striking him down surfaced. A simple inhale purged her mind of the foolish thoughts. Sish swung his lightsaber back and forth, a gentle reminder that he was always ready. “As for capturing dangerous prisoners, you can explain to Darth Nyiss why you didn’t capture any of the jedi she requested. If she doesn’t kill you. [i]I[/i] will beat you within an inch of your life for being so stupid. The Darth demanded it, and we can only obey. At least, until you get strong enough to challenge her.” Sish turned to Jayda. “You have your orders. Capture jedi alive, and try not to get hit doing it again.” In Zabrak, her words glided from her lips, “As you wish, my [i]’Lord’[/i].” Without another insult added, her figure branched from his and darted down the corridor. The battle left in her wake and also the source of her rage, Lord Sish. Sish’s mocking voice followed her down the corridor, following her like a curse. “Try not get yourself in trouble again, I won’t be there to save you!”