[@Caits] [h2] [color=gold]Tachi[/color] [/h2] [hr] Tachi felt his thoughts swirling and mixing his emotions. He inhaled and shut his eyes. [i]of all the things...[/i] a sound from his phone shook him out of it and he took it out. A choked laugh escaped him and he found himself smiling slightly. He looked up and spotted that bright pink hair. He shook his head and read the text once more. Tachi looked up again and spotted the guy sleeping in her lap. A brow raised and he found himself wondering who that guy was. He brought his phone up and hesitated before starting to text. His topaz eyes filled with humor, but shaded by the anger he still had....anger and sadness. [color=gold][b]Hey art ninja. I'm...I'm okay. You appear to have a sleeping dude on you if you were not aware of that. Do you need rescue? :P [/b][/color] He hit send and his eyes trailed back to her waiting for the response. A light hearted smile on his face and curiosity as to what she was drawing.