[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy][@JaceBeleren][@aviendha][@Indra] We're still getting the collaboration finished up so things can move forward, but I've been working on posts for the opening of 'Chapter 2' in the background, as well as writing up certain parts of the collaboration in advance so that it can move along faster. Anyway, I don't have too much to say right now, but I've decided to bring something up.[center][h1]~[/h1][/center] Status update: [list][*] Since multiple people haven't followed this rule now, I'm bringing it up here. There's several reasons why I've told each person who joined this role-play so far that I don't want the PM threads for each 'Private CS' to contain any posts apart from that first post to send it to me and then the following post that gives the card and is used to provide other data as the role-play continues. Unless stated otherwise, you're meant to not respond to that for any reason, and all edits or additions that need to happen with the 'Private CS' should be put in that first post you made. It's getting frustrating having to get people to repost new copies of those PM threads over again, so I'd appreciate if people follow the rules. I'm trying to give myself less to stress about.[/list] [list][*] [b]Still waiting on Daniel's 'Private CS' to be finished.[/b][/list]