- When you join an RP that is listed in the Advanced section but then it turns out that almost everyone else, including the GM, seems incapable of posting more than a paragraph at a time. - How about when people passive-aggressively start picking apart another person's character in the OOC tab [i]even after[/i] it's been approved by the GM. Bonus points for opinion-based attacks rather than actual legitimate concerns over that character's lore/mechanics. Suggestion: Take it to PM you asshats! - The sheer number of RPers who can't play anything other than a human their own gender. I can't be the only person who has noticed the overwhelming number of "Female looking for male" interest checks. Ladies, why? You can't play a dude once in a while? What about someone with no gender? What about an alien? What about an intersex/hermaphrodite character? Branch out! I want to play with you but boy do I get sick of always having to play a guy (especially some young hunk that you have basically already designed before I got there) because you just won't. I can't tell if this is just a case of lack of confidence or just poor RP skill but if I see anyone with "I only play (insert gender)" then I don't think very highly of you. Sorry, not sorry.