[@Pyromaniacwolf] [color=bd4a63]‘Veeeen…!’[/color] The Venipede showed obvious agitation at being called disappointing, rolling again to track down Houndour. However, Houndour was simply too good at avoiding the Venipede, and could get out of the way before the rolling bug hit. Instead, Lucian’s Pokéball came flying, and Venipede could not get out of the way in time. The ball hit, and with a red flash the Pokémon entered. The ball shook pretty furiously for a couple of seconds, the ball shaking back and forth while the other Venipedes were shouting for their comrade. It looked like it could go either way there, for a couple of seconds. [hider=result][i]Click.[/i] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Lucian caught Venipede![/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0e/543Venipede.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/4cnfsmQ.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: ♂ [b]Type[/b]: Bug/Poison [b]Personality[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Level[/b]: 5 [b]Moves[/b]: Defense Curl, Rollout, Poison Sting [b]Ability[/b]: Poison Point. Enemy making contact may be poisoned. [b]Held Item[/b]: None. Currently at about 33% health. [center][color=6ecff6][i]New Pokémon caught! Lucian earned 750 P![/i][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]Would you like to give a nickname to Venipede?[/i][/color][/center][/hider] … The Venipedes blinked with a certain fright and anger combined as their comrade had been captured, before turning around and dashing back up the tree. [color=bd4a63]‘Ven!’[/color] [color=bd4a63]‘Venipede!’[/color] [color=bd4a63]‘Nipede…!’[/color] [color=bd4a63]‘Veni…!’[/color] [color=bd4a63]‘Peeeede!’[/color] … With varying cries they scurried up the tree. Lucian was then left to his own devices for five seconds, when suddenly… [i]BA-BAM![/i] … The sound of two heavier somethings suddenly fell down from the tree. Two round, grey bugs with eyes on their sides and varying spikes and antennas looked forward at him… [color=bd4a63]‘Whirl… ipede!?’[/color] Came from within one of them. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/bc/544Whirlipede.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/qwjOt1H.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #544 – Whirlipede, the Curlipede Pokémon. It usually sits motionless storing energy for evolution, but if threatened or agitated it spins at high speeds as a wheel protected by its hard shell and crashes into its opponents hoping to tear at them with poisonous spikes. [/i][/color][/center] The two looked really agitated, glaring forward at Lucian and Houndour. So, the grunts realized they couldn’t handle the situation and went to get the bosses. Or, perhaps these were the parents? Hard to tell at this point. __________________________ [@Pink Madness] Donna had her Pokémon healed, chose a path with water to walk, and went on her way. As she followed the water, which she likely couldn’t do without at least getting her feet and lower legs wet, she could progress relatively unopposed… Pffth. As if. Welcome to Wet Caverns, says a pack of four Zubats. [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/da/041Zubat.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/s7ni2th.png[/img][/url][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/da/041Zubat.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/s7ni2th.png[/img][/url][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/da/041Zubat.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/s7ni2th.png[/img][/url][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/da/041Zubat.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/s7ni2th.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #41 – Zubat, the Bat Pokémon. It lives in colonies in dark places. It has no eyes, but when flying it is constantly emitting ultrasonic sounds which it uses to navigate through echolocation. As sunlight burns it, it’s usually only found in caves or at night.[/i][/color][/center] Now, these bats would fly about her head stirring her hair with their flaps and otherwise try to get tiny bites in because they’re bats. However, they are, despite this, somewhat manageable if one just treats them as giant mosquitoes. They weren’t actually dangerous, although they wouldn’t leave if they weren’t engaged so they were plenty annoying. It’s possible to travel through Wet Caverns just waving them off occasionally as an average trainer. Still, the four 80 cm tall 7.5 kg bats could be more than a bit unnerving to the inexperienced. Donna could engage them if she wanted them off her head, wanted to train against them… or perhaps if she wanted one. [sub]could be quickfought[/sub] Otherwise, she could endure and press on. [hider=If she pressed on]If she pressed on, she’d reach another split. This time, there were two routes. Towards the left, the water continued into a turn, and it was in that direction the water was running, mostly. To the right the river ended and dry land continued once again in a corridor… The ground showed signs of wet people stepping out of the river, and there were sounds of running further in.[/hider] __________________________ [@Joshua Tamashii] - [i]Night[/i] Trying to capitalize on their capture, the Spinaraks started crawling forth to shoot further String Shots and Poison Stings at their catch, but Litwick freed Amelia quickly enough that they were able to flee on. As she fled on, she had to cross more vegetation, and soon enough her Litwick could feel more spirits up ahead, though this time perhaps unknowing. There were bugs on the bushes which were going to be startled by Amelia’s movements, suddenly jerking back into the plants while spreading a black dust behind them… [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d3/664Scatterbug.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/NOTmPPg.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #664 – Scatterbug, the Scatterdust Pokémon. Using a dust which covers its body and regulates its body-temperature, it can live in any region or climate. If attacked, it can release a poisonous black powder which paralyzes upon contact.[/i][/color][/center] … Now, perhaps Amelia did not actually have time to hear that rundown due to running, but perhaps she could reason that the black cloud these bugs were spewing in her direction was not to be taken lightly. It was still quite a bit from where she felt the ghost… At this encounter-rate, would she press on? __________________________ [@Rune_Alchemist] Claire threw her Pokéball after having made ready, managing to hit the Combee and it bounced down onto the floor of the woods, starting to shake. Delphox continued lighting the background up in flames as Claire and Ralia focused on the Pokéball. It shook once. It shook twice. It even shook trice. And then… [hider=result][i]CRASH[/i] [color=f2bd49]‘COMBEEEEEE…!’[/color] … Apparently, Combee didn’t agree. She broke free of the Pokéball, six little angry eyes lighting up as it waved its wings and flew upwards. In time, Ralia got off her Growl, the Combee recoiling a bit as her attack fell. She glared down at Ralia, still swaying a bit because still confused, but managed to prepare her wings to blow another Gust in the general direction of the Ralias.[/hider] Meanwhile. [color=e3875f]‘…’[/color] Delphox was less than amused by multiple needles being shot at her from Beedrills and other creatures around. She directed her wand in one direction, burning Beedrills and Combees with flamethrowers before they could reach her. As she was now being attacked from more than one direction, she directed her free hand in the other and the Beedrills in that direction suddenly recoiled and were sent flying into trees a bit of everywhere, their minds having taken direct Psychic attacks. Then, it was time for those Vespiquens. Delphox grinned under her fox-snout, and then jumped and spun her wand in a circle, creating a ring of fire. She directed it at the Vespiquens, which started shuddering away as they realized what was happening. Delphox merely smirked at them before jumping and blowing her Mystical Fire through the ring and burning the Vespiquens a considerable distance away, a straight pillar of fire erupting from the circle blasting forward as a beam at her enemies… (momentarily ignoring that the move is apparently weaker than Flamethrower) Delphox landed, breathing out, apparently having fainted every single wild Pokémon in this part of the woods, the Deep Woods suddenly looking a lot less busy than it did when Claire first came in here. [color=e3875f]‘Del-phox!’[/color] Delphox nodded with finality, apparently satisfied with her battle and with her arms on her sides. … And that’s when one stray Confuse Ray came and hit her from the side, spinning around her while she stood immobile. [color=e3875f]‘Phoooo-ooox…!’[/color] Delphox exclaimed as she suddenly started to wobble like a drunk, taking three steps to readjust her balance to then look back at Claire while very unsteady. [color=e3875f]‘Del… delphox?’[/color] [i]”Ya… ya done yet?”[/i] Edit: Despite the clones, Ralia would be unable to dodge the next Gust as well, and due to Gust being a special move Growl didn’t even weaken the blow, but that’s otherwise beside the point as Ralia could take the damage, though it was likely showing now after both hits from Ledyba and Combee now. But, Claire threw another Pokéball to catch the Pokémon. Combee was hit, while struggling to rise up, and the ball fell down, and shook once again… It shook once. It shook twice, then thrice. [hider=result][i]Click.[/i] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Claire caught Combee![/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b6/415Combee.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/qzRETOV.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: ♀ [b]Type[/b]: Bug/Flying [b]Personality[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Level[/b]: 6 [b]Moves[/b]: Sweet Scent, Gust [b]Ability[/b]: Honey Gather, may randomly end up holding Honey. [b]Held Item[/b]: None. (just deposited) Currently at about 17% health. [center][color=6ecff6][i]New Pokémon caught! Claire earned 1000 P![/i][/color] [sub](in the new system I just installed, hah)[/sub] [color=6ecff6][i]Would you like to give a nickname to Combee?[/i][/color][/center][/hider] __________________________ [@Pikmin Eye] Tangela kept attacking from a range, the vines cracking down on Nincada with considerable force, but Nincada was hardening over and over, ensuring little damage was being done to him. By the time Nincada was done hardening, Tangela’s vines were practically being reflected when they hit. However, it could be noted that after so many Vine Whips, Nincada had suffered considerable damage already, not much health left. Then Nincada went in for the attack. Tangela flinched, wide eyed, as Nincada bit into a tentacle with a claw and drained the energy out of it. The energy which was being drained from the earth through Ingrain went directly to Nincada instead, addition to sucking from the source. Panicking from this Super Effective move, hitting Nincada with Vine Whip after Vine Whip. But, Nincada barely took any damage. In fact, he was regaining more health than he was taking damage, stabbing over and over again and draining the energy from Tangela’s tentacles. It took a while, Lewis shouting to Tangela to keep at it not realizing what was happening. Tangela couldn’t retreat, connected to the ground by Ingrain, yet it wasn’t serving him as Nincada drained more and more of his health. Finally, it was too much, and a practically fully healed Nincada stood solid as Tangela toppled over, tentacles filled with tiny holes through which Nincada had leached his life. Tangela fainted. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Martin was victorious! Martin gained 466 P for winning![/i][/color][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Nincada grew to Level 9! Nincada learned Sand Attack![/i][/color][/center] [color=02b1d4]‘KAH!’[/color] Lewis flinched backwards, dramatically like he had taken a physical blow, falling down on one knee looking forward at the Dark Knight who had bested him. He portrayed himself as if he had suffered actual pain pretty well, because the little girl beside him got all worried. [color=e69ac0]‘B-big brother! A-are you okay!?’[/color] The princess asked with worried eyes, looking from Lewis to Martin. He waved her off. [color=02b1d4]‘I am okay. I have stood in defense of my kingdom, and I have failed. It is only right that he reaps the rewards.’[/color] Lewis turned his eyes to Martin, his eyes filled with intent. [color=02b1d4]‘Dark Knight. Perhaps your interests lie solely in the desolation of our kingdom, but we had a quest to offer the victor of the tourney. Far out, in the reaches of the Drainage Kingdom…’[/color] He pointed along the length of the drain… [color=02b1d4]‘… Walks a rare beast none of us had seen before. We arranged this tourney to examine who had the rights to confront it.’[/color] Lewis claimed. [color=de813a]‘… Then the other random trainers taking part started saying that they were staging an attack on our kingdom and were seeking the princess’ hand, and we had to defend ourselves and things got kind of out of hand…’[/color] Donald the [s]preschooler[/s] knight informed from the side with a little grin. [color=02b1d4]‘Shush.’[/color] Lewis gave Donald a little look before looking back to Martin. [color=02b1d4]‘In any case. If you may spare our kingdom and the princess, we’ll give you the chance to go after the beast. What say you?’[/color] The choice was given to Martin. __________________________ [@Delta44] Seeing Shyn’s little look, Pikachu mainly looked happy and nodded to the fellow electric type, knowing exactly what kind of feeling that was. [color=668570]‘Yupp, this guy’s got it.’[/color] Joshua stated seeing Shyn’s wink, and then a bit later looked exceedingly happy when Ren accepted the hairpin and put it just above her ear. [color=668570]‘… Perfect…!’[/color] He said with a more silent but amazed tone, waving his hands like he was presenting a work of art. [center][color=6ecff6][i]Ren obtained Wine-Red Flower Hairpin![/i][/color][/center] Then came her reply to if she wanted to see the show with them or not. Ewan looked like he was about to answer her question, when Joshua took a step forward and placed a hand on her shoulder with an extremely serious look. [color=668570]‘[b]I AM PAYING.[/b]’[/color] He commanded. [color=decdad]‘… 500 P per adult ticket, 150 P for children under 15.’[/color] Ewan informed. Not that any of them were under 15, for some reason. [color=668570]‘Let’s go~’[/color] Joshua happily guided Ren to where they’d pay for tickets to join the audience. He wouldn’t pull her, but he’d do everything in his power to imply that he would if she didn’t come along, inviting her all the way. If she made it known that she wanted to pay, Joshua would accept it with a [color=668570]‘I am not one to refute a female’s wishes~’[/color], but if her excuse to not go was that she didn’t want to pay then HE WAS PAYING AND WASN’T HAVING IT ANY OTHER WAY. And so… [sub](It’s like, if you want an image of an anime stage, there’s Vocaloid, Idolmaster, K-On, some Gundam and AKB0048 to pick from at all if you don’t want to make things a lot more complicated, sooooooooo)[/sub] [hider=picked (indoor) stage][url=http://i.imgur.com/YLqVXQt.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/T3MfJHq.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] She was escorted to inside the audience. There was a great stage, with many chairs to sit on, and quite a few people had turned up to watch. The place wasn’t actually filled, but nonetheless, light eventually focused on the stage and an excited announcer started speaking. Notably, right in front of Ren and all other members of the audience, was a panel with a single large button with a heart on it. As the ticket explained, “Press the Heart button whenever you see something you like~!”, because the audience has a huge part in selecting who will win. [color=decdad]‘Each member of the audience has as much power over the final result (at least in the first round).’[/color] Ewan explained. [color=decdad]‘You can press it as much as you like, but the more you press the less each press will mean. Though, if you limit yourself to a single press, then you may find yourself at a loss if you want to support the next contestant half as much as the previous.’[/color] Then the show started. Four Pokémon were performing in the Cute category, by the sheer chance that it was the one that was up next. Meaning it was to be four cute Pokémon that would be competing. This apparently meant… [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c9/702Dedenne.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/rYF1rY2.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #702 – Dedenne, the Antenna Pokémon. Through its tail it can connect to power outlets and other sources of electricity to absorb. The whiskers serve as antennas, which Dedenne can use to communicate with others of its kind over vast distances.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b1/393Piplup.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/KJ9nK4B.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #393 – Piplup, the Penguin Pokémon. It lives on shores in cold areas. It is a skilled swimmer and can remain for 10 minutes underwater. It is very proud and does not like being taken cared off, despite that its poor footing often makes it fall over on land.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/46/509Purrloin.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/eb4PfgW.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #509 – Purrloin, the Devious Pokémon. It puts up a cute act to fool humans around it. It loves stealing things for fun and will act cute in order to make people forgive it. If endangered, it will counter-attack with sharp claws.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9f/363Spheal.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/M0WRYV4.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #363 – Spheal, the Clap Pokémon. Its body is covered in fluffy fur. It moves more quickly by rolling than by walking. When groups of Spheals eat, they loudly clap to show pleasure. In cold seasons, it crosses the oceans rolling on ice floes.[/i][/color][/center] … Those four, plus their coordinators. First round was simply putting the Pokémon up for display, where some might have some accessories. The Dedenne was wearing a ribbon and was performing a little strange squeaky but nonetheless cute song. The Piplup was wearing a little scarf and was making little comfortable noises. The Purrloin and the trainer performed some little duo number where the trainer was play-denying the Purrloin access to a ball of yarn, and then the Purrloin made a sad yet very cute plea to the audience and after getting a reaction got the ball of yarn. The Spheal was mostly rolling about looking derpy and making noises while looking so absurdly stupid and perhaps cute. Then, after the appraisal, they did some moves which the judges got to appraise along with the audience, Dedenne did a bit of [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dedenne_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_VI_learnset#By_leveling_up]tail whipping, charming and nuzzling[/url], Piplup did a bit of [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Piplup_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_VI_learnset#By_leveling_up]growling, bubbling and water-sporting[/url], Purrloin went with [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Purrloin_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_VI_learnset#By_leveling_up]whatever here that’s cute (honing claws? woah)[/url], and Spheal mostly [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Spheal_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_VI_learnset#By_leveling_up]rolled since that’s apparently cute[/url]. As for the rules, the GM has not yet set them in stone yet, but they did their best to dazzle the viewers with cute moves. In the end, however, regardless of who Ren thought maybe was the cutest… [color=e6aa6a]‘Tonights winner is… Purrqyute, and her trainer, Penelope!’[/color] [hider=Penelope][url=http://i.imgur.com/AKr6iFW.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/1QUy0V2.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] From what Ren had heard during the show, the trainer and her Purrloin (named Purrqyute) had apparently had a considerable advantage by sheer popularity as large parts of the audience had sounded out in glee whenever she got center stage, and as so won the contest fairly easily. Penelope waved energetically and happily, while Purrloin completely ignoring it and simply grooming herself as the ribbon of victory was placed upon her, like that was completely natural. And then, it was back out again after that. A bit later, on the way out… [color=668570]‘That Penelope is a bit of a rising star~! Will be interesting to see how far that takes her…’[/color] Joshua had a bit of a grin as he talked about the contest’s winner and what fate that might eventually await her. Then, he spun about to Ren. [color=668570]‘So! That’s what a Contest is all about! Of course, that was the Cute category, meaning people come there to be overwhelmed by absurdly cute Pokémon! But, there are four other categories, as you know. People will be disappointed if they don’t see what they came to see. Haha. In any case. Has this sparked your interest?’[/color] He asked, eagerly looking to Ren. He had also been gauging her interest during the actual contest itself. Ewan was paying attention, ready to raise his voice just in case Joshua said something unclear or if he needed to interfere in any way, but so far so good. He walked beside them, otherwise. __________________________ [@Eklispe] The far fastest pursuer was Growlithe, who was already catching up to Dawkin’s full-speed run. However, being a fire-type, he was vulnerable to both Mud-Slap and Water Gun. Blinking a little when the two Pokémon shot their attacks, Growlithe was forced to come to a halt and jump aside to dodge, an action that was successful but bought Dawkin several more seconds as he descended into the water, going forward towards the light, and…! [hider=your face when][url=http://i.imgur.com/GQCP3K6.jpg][img]http://i.imgur.com/dAvqMPi.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] There’s a lake. A round lake, surrounded by cavern walls. There’s a hole in the ceiling, allowing sunlight down, and there’s also a pretty little flow of water pouring down into the cavern. However, Dawkin merely found himself standing at the base of a fairly deep lake which was completely surrounded by walls with the sun peeking down from on top. Those walls did not look scalable to actually reach the hole. If one could actually get up there, who knows where one would end up? What would one find? … No matter the answer to that, it did not change the fact that Dawkin had effectively plunged into a dead end. [color=b35647]‘… Not your day, huh.’[/color] A slightly heavily breathing red-haired guy asked, his suit stained with a mud-slap and the bottom of his pants wet from wading, standing by the edge of the lake with his Growlithe. [color=6aa697]‘You’ve seriously given us more trouble than you’re worth…!’[/color] The girl frowned at him, also breathing heavily, stains of water present all over her fine suit and hair from having been just behind Ducklett when it blocked Wooper’s water-gun. Quite the situation. What would Dawkin do?