[@DrunkasaurusRex] Stop stalking me, dammit! :lol [quote=@Dogematix]So any ideas for the general setup? Like are we going for a firefly crew right off the bat or will our characters be starting off in their separate walks of life?[/quote] Plenty of ideas, actually (that will all become cleaerer if/when I get an OOC thread up); we'll each be starting off as separate entities, each with our own small craft - whether singular or as families - what happens once we leave Earth will define roles and so on. Bear in mind that when I say 'Wild West sci-fi', I mean it I.E. although in a far away galaxy and long time ago, the setting will be as if we are in/on 1865 post-Civil War Earth. If your character is...say...Russian, for example, Alexander II will be on the throne and your character may be an animal wrangler at the Leningrad Zoo using an electro-whip and taming wild cyber-tigers for entertainment. Perhaps a a writer from Victorian England, one who uses specialised imagination-enhancers and finger-quills to help them write on their holo-tablet. That is the sort of thing I'm thinking of - a load of history, a little imagination, and one big migration into the cosmos in what is [i]essentially[/i] a US wagon train into space.