An example would be: A 25 year old named Amanda, she would need a CS to go over her history and personality, appearance etc. But Amanda is also a Corrector so she needs an online Avatar. Usually their online identity is their same gender for simplicity's sake but on rare instances their gender is swapped. The Avatar in turn can look vastly different from the person controlling it. The Avatar has special abilities the real world would never be able to support, like an Avatar could wield two large katana and be able to making large bolts of fire by striking them together towards an enemy. Another example would be a 24 year old named Milo, he would need a CS but his Avatar named Dysox would also need a CS due to them being two different personas. A Corrector has two of these because it's their job. A normal person in society would not be able to create and control an Avatar due to the physical risks involved, and the fact the public is unaware of said technology. A Corrector is a normal person most of the time but when work calls, they enter the Digital World as their other persona to fight. Does that make better sense?