Let me re-iterate, Turbo's CS has a higher priority than this one [hider=Irono Ryuu] [center][h3][color=silver]Irono Ryuu [sub]Lit. 'Dragon of Colour'[/sub][/color][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/f0/01/83f001b01237d32f5fbc6881b6a36c0d.jpg[/img][/center] [color=silver][b]Name Meaning:[/b][/color] Derived from the phrase Iro no Ryuu, which translates to 'Dragon of Colour' in Japanese (Note: his name uses Eastern naming conventions, so his family name is Irono and his given name is Ryuu) [color=silver][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=silver][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] 'Ryujin', a quickdraw Katana with in-built dust vials. The [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgear/images/f/fe/MGR_Art_06_02.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130104185623]first[/url] feature uses gravity dust to push the blade from the sheath at high speed, increasing the speed and strength of the strike. The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/37/99/60/379960fdfb52f4dd1cc2f972762003cf.jpg]second[/url] uses 5 different types of dust (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth and Steam) built into a revolving chamber on the top of the sheath, much like Weiss's Myrtenaster. These allow him to apply different effects to the blade of his sword, or modify his semblance in the same way (see below). This is his primary weapon for engagements against few enemies, or those of considerable difficulty. 'Tetsu', collapsible bo-staff with dual dust chambers. This bo-staff is 5 feet long fully extended, and has a Myrtenaster-style revolving dust cartridge at either end. It holds 6 types of dust at anyone time (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Gravity, Steam), one vial of each in each end. It has a lower raw damage output than Ryujin, but makes up for it in increased dust efficiency. when used, the dust effects can be 'thrown' from the weapon, like as a jet of flame or shock-wave of stone. This is his preferred weapon against larger groups of weaker enemies, the grunt-farmer if you will. [color=silver][b]Semblance:[/b][/color] 'Call of the Dragon', by expanding his aura and using dust as a catalyst, Ryuu can form draconic wings, claws and horns of a specific element, as well as slightly increasing his speed, strength and stamina. Some of his forms can also use a unique breath attack. The downside of this semblance is that relies on dust to be at full potential, and also gains that dust type's intrinsic weaknesses. [hider=Semblance Forms] [hider=Fire Dust] Breath: 2x5m cone of flames Strength: Good against flammable objects, good for area denial Weakness: Water/Firefighting equipment [/hider][hider=Ice Dust] Breath: 3x3m cone of freezing air Strength: Good for hindering, slowing and trapping opponents Weakness: high temperatures [/hider][hider=Lighting Dust] Breath: 7m line of lighting Strength: Good against metals, effective for stunning, can chain between targets Weakness: Insulation/anything that doesn't conduct, Grounding wires [/hider][hider=Earth Dust] Breath: None Strength: Good for defence, good against slow targets that need brute force Weakness: Fast and/or small targets, attacks with significant kinetic force [/hider][hider=Steam Dust] Breath: 3m stream of lingering smoke Strength: Good to confuse or shake off a target Weakness: Direct combat (Steam is his weakest form physically, as it has no defensive or offensive value) [/hider][/hider] [color=silver][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Raised in a strict environment, Ryuu's personality can seem serious and maybe even a little harsh to those that don't know him very well, but as he gets more comfortable with people he relaxes more, and he allows a more laid back personality to come through. He can make jokes and makes playfully sarcastic comments, but if someone he is unfamiliar with or someone he had high respect for (like Ozpin and the other instructors), his demeanour changes to a more professional or respectful one. [color=silver][b]History:[/b][/color] Ryuu was born into a very traditional family in Nokori, a small village deep within the forests of Vale. The son of two of the village 'guardians', fighters dedicated to protecting the village from all threats (Grimm or Human), he was raised as a warrior from as early as he could hold a weapon. Trained with a simple Katana and Staff, he left the village to study at Signal Academy as soon as he was old enough, with the blessing of the Village Elder. It was there that he found out the importance of Dust in combat and incorporated it into his fighting style, constructing Ryujin and Tetsu to fit with this new style as well. He studied his full course there, and has thus enrolled into Beacon Academy to further his training as a Huntsman so that he can 'be a guardian for all those that need one'. [/hider]