[@Letter Bee] Drake nodded and said, “The Surge Guardians will likely be waiting for us in the next world I have two plans to deal with them. Honestly, I don’t like one of them. However, I can’t with good conscience ask you all to fight this battle. They’re Chrono’s problem and in turn my problem, but I also know one of the plans involves me losing myself to the very thing I just been freed from.” Drake sighed s he rubbed his eyes. “In any case, I’ll tell everyone the two plans and we’ll let the group decide the course of the attack,” Drake continued before he pointed to the three kids and added, “after the meeting, I want these three in the training room. They won’t be at the front lines, but they need to learn how to fight. We won’t be there to protect them when Shit starts hitting the fan. At their current state: they’ll all die. At this point Sayaka’s temper will get the group killed. So will Madoka kind heart. She might be too kind for her own good. As for Kyosuke.” Drake tuned to Kyosuke and sighed before he added, “He’s a liability”