[hider=Tamer]Name: Kyysucara Namosaka but prefers Kyy Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoig5TafyejkS5yiONRYY6rZb0MHNFVx6ok7CIJLYsx3q49ZtcpQ[/img] Personality: Kind, outgoing, fun loving, a bit of a flirt Backstory: Kyy was seven when he saw his first Digimon, a Devimon to be exact. Not much else is known since he prefers to look to the future instead of dwelling on the past. Team: Demi, Galath, Black D-Bracer Color: Crimson red with black outlines Notes: Kyy is afraid of water due to almost drowning when he was younger.[/hider] [hider=Digimon]Species: Demidevimon Nickname: Demi Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Zurumon -> Pagumon -> Demidevimon -> Devimon -> Myotismon -> Venommyotismon Species: Guilmon Nickname: Galath Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Jyarimon -> Gigimon -> Guilmon -> Growlmon -> Wargrowlmon -> Gallantmon <---> Gallantmon Crimson Mode Species: Blackgabumon Nickname: Black Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Punimon -> Tsunomon -> Blackgabumon -> Blackgarurumon -> Shadowweregarurumon -> Blackmetalgarurumon Species: Nickname: Primary form level: Digivolution line: Species: Nickname: Primary form level: Digivolution line: Species: Nickname: Primary form level: Digivolution line: [/hider]