[@Shadow Daedalus] Thanks, man. Alright, canary and I decided the backstory I had in mind for Raj was a little too dark for an RP like this, so instead, have the turtliest member of the turtle club: [hider=TotallyNotTurtleBlake][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kkcq3tX2nOA[/youtube] [color=yellow][i]"..."[/i][/color] [b]Name: [color=yellow]Lemony Leatherback[/color][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 6'1'' (185cm) in heels/151 lbs. (68.5 kg) [b]Species:[/b] Turtle Faunus [b]Personality:[/b] Lemony gives off the impression of someone living in a turtle shell if you settle for just observing her from afar, as she never seems to talk and avoids contact with most people. However this couldn't be farther from the truth. Lemony is actually very friendly and outgoing, almost a little dorky, but chooses her friends selectively and limits her social interactions outside of a small circle due to deep-seated paranoia and trust issues. She can't speak for fear of showing people her mouth, so she mostly communicates by typing on her Scroll instead, pretending to be mute rather than exposing herself as a Faunus. Her Faunus trait also impacts her diet, which consists mostly of seafood like sushi and shrimp on account of her difficulties with the mechanical aspects of digestion. Her favorite food, which she'll only eat when she's convinced no one is looking, is jellyfish, which she'll eat dried, fried, or even fresh (sometimes in a bowl of ice cream). Despite her fears, she doesn't believe all humans are bad people, just that both humans and Faunus are equally capable of committing both good and evil acts, which is a big part of why she hates the White Fang (but not the biggest). Her Faunus heritage causes her embarrassment but not shame, and she believes in the teachings the [i]real[/i] White Fang espoused: acceptance and peaceful protest. [b]Biography:[/b] Born both the daughter of a sailor and a Turtle Faunus with a very [i]interesting[/i] trait, Lemony's life has been anything but normal since day one. While she looks innocent enough on the outside, the real nightmare is on the inside, as Lemony's random Faunus trait didn't end up being something as cute as flippers or a half-formed turtle shell. No, she got [i][url=http://geekologie.com/2016/05/24/leatherback-turtle-mouth-1.jpg]this[/url][/i], the terror-inducing harvester maw of the otherwise innocent-looking [url=https://dcaendangeredspecies.wikispaces.com/file/view/Leather_Back_Sea_Turtle_3.jpg/163507821/Leather_Back_Sea_Turtle_3.jpg]leatherback sea turtle[/url]. As a result, she couldn't eat right, couldn't talk right, and looked just plain frightening when she opened her mouth. While she was a nice enough girl, adorable even, people pissed themselves every time she tried to talk or smile, and thus they ended up largely avoiding her. However, her father, the ship's captain, was determined to make up for all the love and attention other people wouldn't give her, and doubled-up on his dad duties, bringing his baby girl with him on every trip he made out into the deep blue. As a result she was raised a sailor, and knows life out on the ocean like the back of her hand. She even learned how to fight from her dad, becoming skilled in one on one combat defending the ship and its occupants from pirates and aquatic Grimm, which in those days were far more uncommon. However, tragedy struck without warning as the ship became embroiled in a conflict between human forces and the White Fang during an otherwise routine cruise. One of the passengers they'd chartered, a young Faunus boy with red hair, no more than six or seven years older than Lemony, was revealed to be an agent of the White Fang, a terrorist wanted for dozens of crimes all across Remnant. His name was Adam Taurus. He took the crew and her father hostage, dispatching Lemony with ease, and in the ensuing raid by Atlas soldiers to retake the boat and capture the wanted terrorist, he killed her father as part of a bid to buy time and escape, leaving Lemony, beaten, bruised, and all alone in the world. Wracked with grief, she took the only memento her father had left her, the sword which had killed him, and left, disappearing without a trace. She sailed the world aimlessly for years, a silent young girl traveling from port to port and dispatching criminals and Grimm with ruthless efficiency, like some sort of cowboy of the seas. Whether unconsciously or intentionally, she'd begun using the sword that had belonged to the young boy, now a man, imitating his style. Her mind was set on one thing, and one thing only. Find Adam Taurus. Get revenge. After years of fruitless searching, she enrolled in Beacon, hoping that as a Huntress she'd have more opportunities and resources at her disposal to track down and kill her father's murderer. And now the story begins... [b]Reason for becoming a Huntress:[/b] [color=yellow]"..."[/color] [b]Weapon(s): [color=aqua]Jetstream (tonfa gunblade)[/color][/b] [list] [*]Lemony is a tonfa user, practicing the three grip method of [i]honte-mochi[/i] (normal), [i]gyakute-mochi[/i] (reverse), and [i]tokushu-mochi[/i] (special) used in Okinawan martial arts. While tonfas are traditionally dual-wielded to provide a two-handed offense as well as protection for both arms, Lemony instead uses one, abnormally long tonfa, for reasons that will soon become clear. The weapon's grip possesses a rather conspicuous and unique feature, that being a trigger that makes the short end look like a gun barrel. This isn't at all far from the truth, as the weapon is mostly hollow and fitted with a rifling mechanism that ejects whatever's inside the hollow tube at explosive speeds upon firing with the trigger. And what's inside the tonfa, you might ask? A full-length katana, sharpened to a razor's edge and imbued with the power of Dust. Thus does the weapon's purpose become clear. The tonfa itself is merely a concealment for the hidden blade, which lies in wait for the chance to land a single, deadly strike before returning to its sheath. A second weapon would merely impede the process of catching the blade when it's being fired out of the barrel at such explosive speed, and should Lemony choose to fight two-handed, both the sword and the tonfa can be comfortably used without having to sheath a cumbersome third weapon. It's a weapon specialized for iaijutsu, with its functionality as a tonfa a distant second consideration.[/list] [b]Semblance: [color=red]Red Sun[/color][/b] [list] [*]By accelerating her own metabolism to unheard of levels, Lemony is able to build up immense heat within her body and release it as a burst of kinetic energy, either projecting it outward as a beam or using it to enhance a single strike. This manifests as a change in the color of the stripes on her coat, first heating to red, then yellow, and eventually blue. Red is too weak and blue too exhausting, so Lemony usually sticks to yellow. Additionally, if she projects the energy using her sword, then the blast of kinetic energy will also carry the same attribute of Dust as the sword, allowing her to launch elemental attacks.[/list] [b]Misc:[/b] Desperately wishes she could whistle.[/hider] [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ezAJeaCySV4[/youtube]