Yes. Operation Shirk-Responsibilities-and-Hand-Off-the-Problem-to-Someone-Else was successful. It really was a good idea to read up on what the police were doing for the festival, huh? Always paid to be aware of those things, especially when your focus was on having as much fun as possible. Still, it was a shame that Ren had to go off to lead an adult man through the festival. [b]“Sure thing,” [/b]Hiraku said, masking his disappointment, [b]“We’ll save a big portion for you, yeah? Well, Aoi, time to work out those arms of yours, eh? Five kilograms of rice to mash through, after all.”[/b] Rolling up his own sleeves, Hiraku was about to head back to the stall in order to complete the transaction, when the satori’s expression became serious. Her antennae were twitching, and internally, the blue-haired youth was groaning about the possibility that she just detected another troublesome incident nearby. [b]“What’s up?”[/b] he said, [b]“Detected another lost child?”[/b] [@VitaVitaAR]