Markus seemed to arrive rather later then the rest of the campers. Perhaps it was because he was late getting to his father's car, because his previous summer camp started a week later. Perhaps it was the idea of being in the outdoors without a constant supply of sweets and puzzles that lagged him down, but eventually Markus Roe stepped out of his father's fancy car our onto the camp, past very angry and... if he had to make a guess... hungover counselors? He'd seen plenty of times before people recovering from a night of drinking before. Was the start of a new camp really so bad for them? Markus was handed a map, and he quickly started gazing down at it, trying to decipher it's directions. He wasn't the best with maps, but he knew the whole general scheme. He took a few moments to decipher where north was, and with that plotted out the other directions. However, something in him told him to start wandering, and wander he did. Slowly walking around, he supposed he should head to the boys cabin and claim a cabin, but was there really any rush?