[quote=@Sergeant] [hider=Fujioji Nakazono][center][b][h1]F U J I O J I[/h1][/b] [img]http://www.extravital.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/anime_ninja_girl.jpg[/img] [b]“ACE!”[/b][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TMbw86q.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]NAME[/b] [indent][color=gray]Fujioji Nakazono[/color][/indent] [b]ALIAS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Naka or Stick[/color][/indent] [b]GENDER[/b] [indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [b]AGE[/b] [indent][color=gray]11[/color][/indent] [b]ORIGIN[/b] [indent][color=gray]Konohagakure[/color][/indent] [b]RANK[/b] [indent][color=gray]Genin[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QGxTMQi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Nakazono is slightly above average height for his age. He is rather slender in build and could be described as effeminate even though he doesn't act like it. Nakazono doesn't look his age. He appears to be about twelve when in fact he is eleven. It doesn't help that because of his clan traditions most people mistake him for a girl either. At least when he's at school he's allowed to wear clothing that isn't specific to girls. Though his formal Fujioji outfit is. Therefore most of time he's seen in just a plain kimono. Nakazono has pale skin and blue eyes. Like all young boys in his clan, Nakazono has never cut most black hair. The longest part is currently down to his butt and to quote him "an absolute pain". The bangs and shorter (about shoulder length hair around his face) is more tolerable and less at the same time because it never stays tied up like it's supposed to. He also has his ears pierced.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONALITY & MOTIVATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Nakazono is the youngest child of four. And he happens to be the least talented. Because of this he has mainly stopped trying his best. He's just kind of floating through school. He used to care, but no matter how hard he tried he could never keep up with his older siblings. Which lead to him deciding if he couldn't make his parents happy he'd stop trying. At least then they'd have something to complain about. With this attitude Nakazono sometimes ditches class to go do whatever stuck his fancy that day (usually reading). Nakazono doesn't have any friends. This isn't to say that he doesn't want any. More or less he's afraid to get close enough to anyone. His reasoning is that if he doesn't get close they wont see what a disappointment he is. If he doesn't have any friends they can't leave him right? He goes out of his way to be "busy" after class is over so he doesn't fall into the trap of thinking that he can have friends who like him. He smiles, laughs and generally gets along with the other students, but he doesn't invest himself in the relationships. Because of this he knows lots of people but no one he would call friend and he's sure they all would agree. Nakazono really doesn't want to be a ninja. He's thought about running off and hiding forever in a book store or library but he's never done it. It's mainly because he cannot bring himself to disappoint his parents (and Aunt Sanako) even more than he has despite all of his protestations that he doesn't care. Which is central to Nakazono's character. He likes to pretend that nothing matters to him when in truth [i]everything[/i] seems to matter.[/color][/indent] [b]CLAN HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]The Fujioji clan isn't a big clan. About seventy years ago three families settled in Konohagakure. Before that the Fujioji's were a wandering clan. In fact, the majority of the clan still are known to be wanderers and have not settled in any one village. Because of their nomadic lifestyle their traditions are the most important thing to them. The main tradition passed down from parent to child is their fighting techniques. The Fujioji clan uses a bo staff to fight. They have no unique nin- or genjutsu's to the clan name. Only their skill with a staff. Some of the Fujioji clan members are so skilled in their unique fighting style their clan name has become synonymous with their bo staves. Fujioji Staves are made handmade by the clan. They do produce normal bo staves to sell to other clans (such as the Akimichi clan). No one who is not a Fujioji is allowed to use a Fujioji staff. If someone is known to be using one having procured it somehow a Fujioji will be honored bound to retrieve it. This is mostly because a Fujioji staff isn't a normal bo staff. A Fujioji staff is similar to a bo staff in that it is about 1.8 meters in length and up to 15 meters in circumference. It is made from a supple white oak. It's tapered from the middle so that it's thinner at the ends. The Fujioji staff ends are octagon in shape. Inlet in the supple wood is iron. Usually in a complicated design in order to allow the wood to maintain it's flexibility and durability. The secrets of the Fujioji staves are found in these designs. Some are hidden compartments for various ninja tools such as poisons and knives. Each Fujioji staff is specifically crafted for the user. Unproven clan members, such as Nakazono, have plain dyed bo staves. They are specifically for learning how to use the weapon and if lost it will not cast shame upon the owner. It isn't until the clan member reaches the age of fourteen that they are given their first true Fujioji staff. The design is tailored to the user and reflects their status in the clan and their personal history. It is a serious breach of honor to ruin or lose a staff. Apart from their staves the Fujioji clan has a very rich tradition for raising their children. No child, male or female, can cut their hair apart from the prescribed haircut. Tradition holds that the first Fujioji, a woman, cut her hair like that and that's the way it has been ever since. Once a child reaches the age of majority they will cut off their long tail of hair to make everything even with their shoulders. All children are also dressed the same in traditional female clothing. Though in Konohagakure they are allowed to wear nondescript kimonos while not in the clan's buildings. When a child reaches what they believe to be the age of majority they must prove themselves. In the clan it is called The Proving. It's a closely guarded test where the child must fight their parent. If they fail to prove they have sufficient skills, no matter their age, they are not considered adults. A waiting period of usually half a season is observed before a child may try again. If a child does not challenge their parents for a proving they are cast out of the clan and into the wild. They are given nothing but a plain bo staff and told to return in a month. If they never return the child is considered dead. The same holds if the child returns too soon. However if the child returns on time they are considered an adult and inducted back into the clan. While the proving is still tradition it hasn't been observed to the letter in known history. Instead when a child fails, either to prove themselves or doesn't even challenge, they are just not taught the Fujioji techniques. Instead they are expected to do something else with their life. However there is always the rumor spread among the children that it's still possible that your family would disown you. Even if it has never happened in anyone's lifetimes. The traditional uniform of the Fujioji clan is a sleeveless black kimono with a gold Uraeri. There is a dark blue blue obi. The sleeves are threaded with gold string to hold them on over the biceps and below the shoulder joint. All Fujioni clan members have pierced ears and with the traditional uniform they wear a tassel with a golden ball attached. The color of the tassels is up to the individual and their status in the clan. Young children are given a burgundy color. Those of age range from Blue to black depending on their skill with their staff. One of things that make the Fujioji clan different from most others is their matriarchy. A set of three Elders lead the clan in important matters. They are the decendants of the three original women who decided to settle in Konohagakure. The heads of the clan are all female. They also expect their females to be just as good of fighters as the men. Therefore women are not given any quarter in training nor is it expected. Which has caused a few clashes with the Academy because the Fujioji clan doesn't view some of the curriculum (such as flower arrangement) as necessary. The current heads of the clan are Nakazono's Grandmother Yaya, Fujioji Gen and Fujioji Kona.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONAL HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Nakazono was a child conceived from emotion. After the terrible battle at Konohagakure and the loss of so many people, his mother sought what physical comfort she could. And the result was Nakazono. An unplanned but not unwelcome child. For his mother it was reason to remain at home for a long while. Even his father enjoyed having a baby around once more. His brother, Kageteru didn't much care for Nakazono having been the youngest and therefore the most spoiled child. Or had been. After his [i]dethroning[/i] by Nakazono he has always held a sort of grudge. His two eldest siblings were wrapped up with their own training and had no time for a baby. Nakazono's life was set for him from as far back as he could remember. He was given his first bo staff about the same time he started walking. By the time he was four, maybe five, he was expected to be able to use it. It was also about the same time that Nakazono realized he was not the most coordinated and therefore was not a very good fighter. Before this point Nakazono had happy memories of his parents. But this was a changing point in his life. Suddenly from this point nothing ever seemed good enough. It was always "Kageteru mastered that when he was your age" "Nagu never had a problem with that move" or "Even Moroari could fail to teach you how not to trip over nothing". His only saving grace is his Aunt Sanako. When he stayed late in the practice grounds when he was younger, or tried to hide his bruises from the staff, she was always there. With a soft word or touch she had the power to keep him from drowning in the unreachable expectations of his family. She was the one who gave him hope that he wasn't completely useless. She was the one who smuggled his nonsense scrolls about completely fictional people and places. She was the one who helped him with his drills. Aunt Sanako is the only reason Nakazono still remains at the Academy and is somehow going to be a Genin. Without her support (and lets face it, her disappointment in his lack of motivation in school) he never would have made it this far. He wants to do better by her, but he can't bring himself to do so. He fears deep down if he starts trying again and fails he wont be able to live with himself. Though they don't see each much anymore, she spends a lot of time with her grandchildren, he still relies upon her for emotional support. Currently at the Academy Nakazono is near the bottom of the class. He's slower than most of the students, mainly because of his clumsiness. He hesitates over signs, his fingers forget their movements and he generally jumbles up the motions. Because of his general clumsiness quite a few of the other students tease him. No one's ever meet a clumsy ninja right? Deep down Nakazono knows what to do, it's just getting his body to do it is the problem.[/color][/indent] [b]INFLUENCE & RELATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray][hider=Clan][indent][hider=Grandparents][list][*][b]Fujioji Nobuuchi[/b][list][*]Grandfather (Mother's)[*]63[*]Nobuuchi is your stereotypical grumpy old man. According to the family he used to be really happy and kind. But after his wife died he changed completely.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Masako[/b][list][*]Grandmother (Mother's)[*]Deceased[*]Masako passed away in 101CE with her grandson Koreshige. She was fifty years old. Even though she was older it was said she fought like she was young woman again. It's not known how she died but her body was found after the fighting was over next to her broken staff.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Norihiro[/b][list][*]Grandfather (Father's)[*]74[*]Norihiro is a stern man. As Yaya's husband he takes their position in the clan very seriously and is very concerned about the clan's honor.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Yaya[/b][list][*]Grandmother (Father's)[*]71[*]Yaya is one of the elders of the Fujioji clan. She sits on the small council that governs their particular branch. She's already named Nakazono's sister, Nagu, her successor.[/list][/list][/hider] [hider=Immediate Family][list][*][b]Fujioji Kanemoto[/b][list][*]Father[*]51[*]Kanemoto acts much like his father; Stern and kind of harsh at times. He's really only [i]soft[/i] around his wife Moku.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Moku[/b][list][*]Mother[*]42[*]Moku is often distant. She spends a lot of time off on missions or training. When she's home she spends most of her time with her husband.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Moroari[/b][list][*]Eldest Brother[*]21[*]Moroari is a work-a-holic. He's yet to be married and doesn't seem to be inclined to do so. Instead he seems to be married to his work.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Nagu[/b][list][*]Older Sister[*]18[*]Nagu is the most skilled sibling Nakazono has. She is also the one under the most pressure. Because of this nothing she does nor her family does is ever good enough.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Kageteru[/b][list][*]Older Brother[*]16[*]Kageteru is much like his older brother. He just passed his Proving and is eager to make a name for himself. He often daydreams about life outside Konohagakure and sometimes wishes to join the wandering Fujioji clan.[/list][/list][/hider] [hider=Extended Family][list][*][b]Fujioji Tsuneno[/b][list][*]Aunt (Mother's Sister)[*]Deceased[*]Tsuneno was Nakazono's mother's triplet. She was twenty one when she passed in the year 91CE. When Konohagakure joined the Great Shinobi war she was one of the ninja's on the front lines with her other two sisters. She died defending Sunagakure along with Fuku.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Fuku[/b][list][*]Aunt (Mother's Sister)[*]Deceased[*]Fuku was Nakazono's mother's triplet. She was twenty one when she passed in the year 91CE. When Konohagakure joined the Great Shinobi war she was one of the ninja's on the front lines with her other two sisters. She died defending Sunagakure along with Tsuneno.[/list][/list] [u]Uncle Narihide and Aunt San's Family[/u][list][*][b]Fujioji Narihide[/b][list][*]Uncle (Father's Brother)[*]54[*]Narihide is the only non-fighter in Nakazono's family. Instead Narihide is a staff maker and a very good one at that. He lost his leg below the knee in 101CE.[/list][*][b]Fujioji San[/b][list][*]Aunt (Father's sister-in-law)[*]49[*]San is a bright happy woman. She enjoys drawing more than fighting. However that isn't to say she isn't very skilled with her staff like most Fujioji's.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Koreshige[/b][list][*]Cousin[*]Deceased[*]Koreshige died in 101CE. He had been a Jounin defending Konohagakure when the war came to their doorstep. According to the clan Koreshige died a hero not only saving Nakazono but many other Fujiojis as well. He's still hailed as a hero to this day. He was only 19 when he was killed.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Masa[/b][list][*]Cousin[*]28[*]Masa is married to [b]Fujioji Ama[/b] and have two young children. The eldest, [b]Fujioji Ichime[/b], is one year younger than Nakazono. Both of them attend the academy together. However neither of them have much to do with each other due to their being in different classes.[/list][/list] [u]Uncle Tsunenobu and Aunt Sanako's Family[/u][list][*][b]Fujioji Tsunenobu[/b][list][*]Uncle (Father's brother-in-law)[*]51[*]Tsunenobu isn't thrilled with his brother (Nakazono's father) and wants nothing to do with them due to circumstances when the two were younger.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Sanako[/b][list][*]Aunt (Father's Sister)[*]48[*]Sanako is the only family member that Nakazono gets along with. She's the only one who doesn't put pressure on him to be the best. But she doesn't condone his laziness either. She just wants him to be himself.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Shigeteru[/b][list][*]Cousin[*]30[*]Much like his father, Shigeteru, also has nothing to do with Nakazono's family. They only see each other at clan meetings. He's married to [b]Fujioji Suko[/b] and has one child: [b]Fujioji Michiie[/b] who is twelve.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Mego[/b][list][*]Cousin[*]27[*]Mego is married to [b]Fujioji Nakakane[/b], a woman who used to be part of the wandering clan. She only settled in Konohagakure a few years ago. They have two children. One is seven and the other is five.[/list][*][b]Fujioji Junjii[/b][list][*]Cousin[*]24[*]Junjii is engaged to [b]Fujioji Some[/b]. Some is heir to [b]Fujioji Gen[/b], another of the clan Elders.[/list][/list][/hider][/indent][/hider][hider=Academy/Village][list][*][b]Namikaze Fukushu[/b][list][*]Nakazono really has nothing to do with Namikaze mainly because of her abrasive personality. He goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't earn her ire. He gets enough of never being good enough at home. He doesn't need it from another freaking protege that he just can't match.[/list][*][b]Hyūga Mitsuko[/b][list][*]Nakazono has no issues with this Hyūga. She's a nice enough girl for a Hyūga. Maybe especially because she's a Hyūga.[/list][*][b]Murakumo Mikoto[/b][list][*]Murakumo is fun person to hang out with. Maybe even someone he could call friend if he let himself have friends.[/list][*]N A M E[list][*]T H I N G S[/list][/list][/hider][/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cKKkxGL.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]CHAKRA NATURE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Fire[/color][/indent] [b]SPECIAL TRAITS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Fujioji clan uses a bo staff along with their ninjustsus.[/color][/indent] [b]FOCUS & SKILLS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Nakazono leans towards taijustsu since his ninjutsu isn't very good.[/color][/indent] [b]EQUIPMENT & INVENTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Bo Staff General ninja tools (shuriken and kunai, etc)[/color][/indent] [b]JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray][hider=S Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=A Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=B Rank]■[/hider] [hider=C Rank]■ ■[/hider] [hider=D Rank]■ ■ ■[/hider] [hider=E Rank][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/hider][/color][/indent] [b]BOJUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray][hider=Striking Techniques][b][url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-cross-strike][color=gray]Kiru Kōgeki (Cross Strike)[/color][/url][/b][indent]Kiru Kōgeki is a rather advanced two fold maneuver. It is designed to block an incoming strike and retaliate with the momentum of said block.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-down-strike][color=gray][b]Shita e Kōgeki (Down Strike)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start from a set position with the bo horizontal from the ground and on your shoulder then sweep your staff downwards.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-downward-smash][color=gray][b]Shita e Yaburu (Downwards Smash)[/b][/color][/url][indent]With a wide stance you bring the staff across your body ending with the end of the staff extended about head level with your right hand. They you shift and twist that staff so that the left side is forwards. Repeat if desired.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-hook-strike][color=gray][b]Hikkakeru Kōgeki (Hook Strike)[/b][/color][/url][indent]With the staff in a horizontal position about waist high while standing side ways you bring the bo up and in.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-low-strike][color=gray][b]Teichi Kōgeki (Low Strike)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Teichi Kōgeki is usually a self-defense move aimed at your opponent's legs. With a wide grip on the bo you step forwards and sweep the bo low at the opponent's legs.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-poke][color=gray][b]Kodzuku (Poke)[/b][/color][/url][indent]While holding the staff a little off center, towards the back, step forwards bringing the staff down then high in a swooping motion aimed at the head, face or chest of your opponent.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-punch][color=gray][b]Uchinuku (Punch)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start from a set position with the bo horizontal from the ground and on your shoulder. Step forwards with the right foot, bring the left hand down and right hand out. End with the end of the bo about eye level.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-side-to-side-strike][color=gray][b]Sayū ni Kōgeki (Side to Side Strike)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start with the bo horizontal and chest level with one end tucked under your arm. Then swing the bo (still horizontal) to the other side of your body.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-sweep][color=gray][b]Haku (Sweep)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start with the bo horizontal and chest level with one end tucked under your arm. Bring the bo above your head and then swing downwards to your opponent's legs, ending with the staff pointed diagonally at the ground.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-thrust][color=gray][b]Tsuki (Thrust)[/b][/color][/url][indent]With a wide grip, holding the bo staff horizontally at chest level, step forwards and thrust the end of the bo at your opponent. Can be reversed easily to strike at someone behind.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-an-up-strike][color=gray][b]Nobotte Kōgeki (Up Strike)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Starting from a wide forward stance with the bo angled upwards, the front end at eye level, swing the far end of the bo forwards until the front end of the bo ends on your shoulder.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Blocking Techniques][url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-downward-rowing-block][color=gray][b]Shita e Kogu Fusagu (Downward Rowing Block)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start with a wide hold with the bo down at your waist. Bring the back end of the bo up and forwards making a rowing like motion from one side of your body to the other.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-low-block][color=gray][b]Teichi Fusagu (Low Block)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Used to defend against low attacks against the legs. With a wide side stance you hold the bo horizontally and sweep downwards while stepping backwards with the front foot. Twist at the end to reverse your position and repeat as necessary.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-side-block][color=gray][b]Sokumen Fusagu (Side Block)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Stand with knees bent in a wide stance with the bo held horizontally waist high. Step forwards into attack and lift the bo staff to take the attack on the center of the bo.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-an-overhead-block][color=gray][b]Zujō ni Fusagu (Overhead Block)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Step back and raise the bo horizontally over your head. Can angle the bo to deflect some of the force of the blow. The angled hold also allows for better retaliation.[/indent] [url=http://www.blackbeltwiki.com/bo-staff-how-to-do-a-pressing-block][color=gray][b]Kinkyū Fusagu (Pressing Block)[/b][/color][/url][indent]Start with a strong sideways stance. Hold the bo close to the front end. Bring the back end up and over your head and then down to the ground ending with the front end now in the vicinity of your shoulder of armpit with your body angled slightly forwards. The idea is to pin the opponent's bo staff to the ground.[/indent][/hider][/color][/indent][/hider] [/quote] [list] [*] [sub]My only real misgivings are towards the abilities section. In terms of the Fujioji clan bojutsu, it'd be nice if we could get a feel for what exactly would make it a distinct style? Nakazono may not have a grasp of it yet, but surely he has at least been drilled on the principles behind it for the day when he would supposedly begin proper training in the style? As an example, neither Mikoto or Ria have master [i]Murakumo-ryu Ninpo[/i] or [i]Mi-enshin Kaiho[/i] respectively, but there's an inkling there of what may come about in the future given future training. I'm [i]kind of[/i] going to give you a break on the Focus & Skills section off the strength of the fact that he's gimmick at the moment is that he "sucks".[/sub] [*] [sub]I appreciate the indepth list of basic techs, but I'm not sure it's necessary in place of jutsu. That said, I'm not gonna knock it as a shorthand for you to refer back to, since at least it's organized. And it's a basis for the actual [i]jutsu[/i] to be based off of, being potentially more intense variations of these movements.[/sub] [*] [sub] Not really a criticism, but I find it funny that Nakazono tries his best to avoid Fukushu while finding [i]Mikoto[/i] okay. Granted, Mikki's definitely "nicer" than Fukushu, so that makes sense.[/sub] [/list] [quote=@Indra] [hider=Uchiha Ria][center][b][h1]UCHIHA RIA[/h1][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/03/12/01/031201f5adba7b18e0f840b8e453944e.jpg[/img] [b]“I'll make a mochi out of you.”[/b][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TMbw86q.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]NAME[/b] [indent][color=gray]Uchiha Ria[/color][/indent] [b]ALIAS[/b] [indent][color=gray]N.A[/color][/indent] [b]GENDER[/b] [indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [b]AGE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Eleven[/color][/indent] [b]ORIGIN[/b] [indent][color=gray]Konohagakure[/color][/indent] [b]RANK[/b] [indent][color=gray]Genin[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QGxTMQi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Considered diminutive and tiny to most people's eyes, but big when it comes to the matters of the heart. Ria is known for her razor-sharp tongue and insatiable appetite; The way she looks and acts is sharper than any dual-edged sword. Ria's eyes are colored onyx which is common among her clansmen but deceiving due to her distinctively upbeat nature. Ria takes after her father's eccentric nature and bears a strong resemblance to her mother. Ria breaks the trend of her clan's traditional long collared blue and dark garments, she sports lighter colors and shades. A perfect example would be her silver-white sleeveless kimono with red markings (black shorts inside the seemingly short skirt), black ninja boots and silver-white long gloves with red markings. In all fashion sense, she keeps her hair either unkempt or tied depending on her mood, and has a variety color selection of her outfit. Even though she is quite small for her age, she is adeptly fast in all sense of the definition. Ria is quick to talk, walk, run, answer, question, and laugh. It's not hard to spot Ria, considering her eccentricities. [/color][/indent] [b]PERSONALITY & MOTIVATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Eccentric and cheerful, Ria is a weird force that one can get a headache from. Ria displays an abstract pattern of thinking yet subtly reserved by answering in a double-meaning manner which often times can irritate people's ticks very quickly. She takes pride in her intelligence as she sees her craft intertwine with benefits in a clear circle and knowing this, she takes advantage of whatever opportunity that comes to her. Ria is a fan of books that range from multiple genres, and quotes lines even though she may sound corny. Ria has no problems in making friends given her upbeat and eccentric personality, though oddly enough the friends she makes are usually older people; such as the typical old geezer which tends to escalate into weirder conversations which makes her seem quite mature for her age. That said, she hates it when she's proven wrong and loves it whenever she's right. One thing that's surprising is that she isn't bothered by receiving praise and is bluntly humble about it. When it comes to decision making, that is where she breaks apart; individual decisions are easy but for a group it's harder, and deeper self ones are the hardest. Oftentimes her "full proof" planning does not go the way she wants it to.[/color][/indent] [b]CLAN HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray] The Uchiha Clan is one of the major clans in the village and well known as one of the eldest clans in history to ever exist. Specializing in fire techniques and the progressive sharingan, they are a force to be reckon with, and that's to those who awaken it; not all Uchiha awakens the sharingan but when one does, it changes the battlefield. Wars between certain clans ceased during the Konton Period when the Uchiha, Senju, Hyuuga and Sarutobi founded the village, and many years later the Uchiha Clan would have its Hokage who died anyway due to a heated ordeal.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONAL HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]The daughter of Uchiha Kazuma, Uchiha Rika and the older sister of Uchiha Kanade as well as Uchiha Chiaki's niece, Ria became bent on finding the murderer of her mother. Two years ago, during a stormy night at their house in the Uchiha Compound, a strange person, guise in black with a dragon mask and glowing sharingan eyes broke inside and murdered her mother and it all happened so fast because in a matter of seconds, Ria found herself outside of the compound and not inside the house. Everything that night happened too fast for her to remember and when she got back in the house, disbelief was all she witnessed— her father having the Mangekyou Sharingan followed by his imprisonment. Ria and Kanade was raised by Aunt Yuri, their mother's older sister and had two years of diverting their attention towards something productive such as the Ninja Academy and Mochi baking, Aunt Yuri quit the ANBU for the sake of taking care of her nieces and never was it an easy task for her because of Ria constantly making an attempt to visit her father, including Kanade tagged with her older sister. Everyday ended up as a lecture that their father is a murderer and must move on with it and accept reality but to the sisters' eyes he's not the one who killed their mother, elders of the village and the clan would always drill it in their minds that their father killed their mother for the sake of obtaining the Mangekyou Sharingan. Despite all of this, Ria continued believing that her father is innocent and would never do such a thing, Aunt Yuri admittedly have mixed feelings about it, and at one point she visited Kazuma and tell stories about the kids, in turn she'd tell the kids about him and Ria and Kanade would always beg to come along with her but never did because they are still to young to understand a thing. After such time, Ria healed but not Kanade, she became distant towards her sister for reasons unknown but they still share the same goal; to find the murderer and bring justice to their parents. Her time in the academy also healed, Ria continued with her usual endeavors such as challenging Mikki everyday and improving in kenjutsu but deep inside she is still damaged and just let the days sink for that fateful night would never be erased and so this made Ria tried staying joyful even when she is not. Today she is no longer trying to break out of the village to see her father but instead she uses the time she have to cherish those close to her especially her friends and clansmen. Nevertheless those memories still haunts her in her sleep, The Dragon Man is what she calls the murderer; he has the sharingan. Just who is he?[/color][/indent] [b]INFLUENCE & RELATIONS[/b] [hider=Immediate Family][indent][color=gray][list] [*] Uchiha Kazuma, 41. Ria and Kanade's father and currently one of her biggest priority in life because she wants to free him from Blood Prison. As days pass in prison, Kazuma still is a joyful person no matter how much mistreatment and accusations that fall on him and although he wishes to return home, he has accepted that his execution is drawing near. Ria is not aware about the execution and she could only recall every moment she had with him, an absent father means a dead parent to her. During her mournful stages, Ria would try to go as far away from the village just to see him but her clansmen and authority figures kept preventing her from doing so. [*] Uchiha Rika, 29. Motherly yet strict, Rika was a good mother because of her unconditional love for her family. During the good days, she would take her family out to eat and play but not without discipline, she prioritize work first. It's also surprising and unusual because she is the dominant parent. She died at the hands of "The Dragon Man" and never was able to say goodbye to her family. Her death motivated Ria to become a responsible person to find Dragon Man and bring justice for her family. [*] Uchiha Kanade, 9. She is Ria's sister and younger by three years and an academy student. Both sisters are eccentric which is a trait that they inherited from their father but what differentiates Kanade from Ria is her disciplinarian and mean honesty that heavily hurts people's feelings. Kanade in every way is an opposite of her older sister, not to mention she is considered a prodigy which Ria isn't. [*] Uchiha Chiaki, 49. One of Ria's close relatives, the one and only clan head, "Shorty Aunt". Chiaki may be small but be warned; she bites. It's only recent that Ria and Chiaki are bonding mainly because she is the older sister of her father and knows more about him than herself. Their relationship is that of a fire and ice, both are small in height and does not take each other's insults too well. [*] Uchiha Yuri, 35. Ria's aunt and the very person that took her and Kanade in as her own in custody. Yuri is Rika's older sister who formerly had a relationship with Kazuma in her younger years. All things aside from her past, she abandoned her work in the ANBU and dedicated her life for her nieces and opened a Mochi and Sweets Shop. Ria easily is spoiled because Yuri is a doting "parent". In the absence of Rika, she is basically mother #2. As opposed to the rest, she is supportive of Ria venturing out of the village and meet her father but since majority are against it, she can't do anything than just hope. [/list][/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Comrades][indent][color=gray][list] [*] Matsudaira Kiri, 12. Ria is totally fond of her but never in a rival sense. She sees her as one friend that is one in a million and the one that is willing to run extra miles for you. Added to the fact that she's such a cute beast who would so prove liars out there to never lie again due to her strength but strength is something that Ria sees beyond for her, Kiri is more than a Puncher and Kicker. One last thing, Ria finds her so big that even her height of 4'7 makes her feel like an ant but that's a good sense since Ria believes she's a good person. [*] Namikaze Fukushu, 11. Just seeing the look of her face everyday is something to be thankful and sorry at the same time. Apart from Mikki, Fukushu is one of the few people that Ria can totally relate to and sees herself in her, not to mention the entire concept of having a mother. In a sense of what would have happened if Ria let her clan's expectations get the better of her and not have love and beyond that Ria thinks she would have ended up like her if it wasn't for the people who always got her back. Whenever she sees Fukushu, Ria is careful with what she's going to say and do. [*] T.B.A [*] T.B.A [/list][/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Rivals][indent][color=gray][list] [*][b] Murakumo Mikoto[/b], 12. Ever since day one at the academy, they have been on each other's throats. Mikki is the sole reason that according to Ria motivated herself into putting her all into Kenjutsu and the only rival she sees worth of her time. Everyone else pales in comparison and anyone that is not named Mikki. There are certain times they get along well with each other but won't last long due their way of thinking. Ultimately, Ria sees herself in Mikki in the aspect of what her life would have been if her mother was alive and her father's not in prison and frankly, she envies her because of having a complete family. [*] T.B.A [*] T.B.A [*] T.B.A [/list][/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=Inspirations][indent][color=gray][list] [*] [b]Senju Madarame[/b]. He is the premier swordsman in Konohagakure, excelling beyond the preceding generation’s notable kenjutsu specialists. It is said that Madarame is the equal of any samurai. This man is the very man that Ria looks up to, the very man whom she wishes to be when she grows up, as odd as it sounds because she's a girl soon to be a woman. Although Ria has not personally met the living legend, she continues to do her best everyday, hoping one day she'll meet him and get his autograph. [*] T.B.A [*] T.B.A [*] T.B.A [/list][/color][/indent][/hider] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cKKkxGL.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]CHAKRA NATURE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Fire[/color][/indent] [b]SPECIAL TRAITS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Mi-enshin Kaihou Ken(Undrawn and Closed Blade) An unorthodox form of swordplay that revolves around the usage speed, sheathed and unsheathed blade. Not much is known about its origins as how it came to be but it is easy to tell that it resembles Samurai swordplay. Those who practice this technique are said to "Defy God and shatter the heavens". Divided into three branches, Closed Blade, Open Blade and Mirage Flower. Practitioners of this technique are required to be fast enough in order to use the style hence why this technique's most important requirement is speed but what makes it deadlier is the tact of the wielder. They must be well versed in each branch: [hider=Undrawn and Released][list] [*] [b]Tojita-ga(Closed Blade)[/b]: Easily the simplest and easiest form but at the long run it becomes "confusing" for people due to the intimidation it delivers. This branch revolves around the sheathed form. Tojita-ga sword techniques are primarily built to club opponents as the sword is sheathed and this is the crisis stage or the turbulent stage for all the practitioners because of the sheath. With enough skill, the practioner itself can clash head on with other swordsman who have their sword open while the practioner, sheathed. [*] [b]Karaware(Shattered Sky)[/b]: Also known as the shedding of the snake's skin, unsheathing or OPEN HEAVEN/Open Blade. This technique is basically the releasing of the sheath and because the wielder is no longer burdened by their sheath, they are much faster than they were before when their sword was sheathed. Mi-enshin Kaihou Ken main point is speed, one cannot transcend into this branch to the next without mastering Tojita-ga aka the turbulent stage of all Mi-enshin Kaihou Practitioners. [*] [b][b]Mirajunohana(Mirage Flower)[/b][/b]: Amalgam of both forms into one but with more speed and momentum. This last branch is the deadliest and most energy consuming of them all. It is also considered an assassination technique because of the increased momentum and how swiftly it delivers the cuts and how deceiving it is. Afterimages are the forte of this technique or better yet called as Speed Mirage which is used to intimidate and deceive targets. The way it is executed is often mistaken as an illusion technique but it is not. Practitioners are deemed masters once they have completed the previous and this technique. Ria is still young and therefore she is still at the turbulent stage and has her sword sheathed at all times because it requires a step by step mastery for her to unsheathe her blade. Though she has demonstrated skill and competent potentials to reach the next level, all she needs is some polishing.[b][/b] [/list][/hider] [b]Quickness:[/b] Ria during her training regime of Mi-enshin Kaihou Ken was taught to condition her body and mind to be quick in order to possess the technique itself. The training was harsh because she must avoid incoming projectiles and traps designed by her father. Physical regime aside, mental training in the form of Shogi and although it's about taking time and formulating strategy, it is said that the game itself allows the mind to see things in a different perspective and would allow Ria to think quickly once she sees through the pattern of the game. As fast as she is, her durability on the other hand is something that would be described as glass cannon. [b]Keen Intellect:[/b]Ria is naturally a smart, crafty and resourceful individual whose particularly quick to learn. Her knowledge comes from her habit of reading books and scrolls which gives her a deep understanding of conceptual things in this world of ninja. Proven through learning Mi-enshin Kaihou-ken at the age of 9 but it was not as easy as she thought it would because intelligence alone does not warrant something that would require the intense tuning of the body or such other conditions hence she took the harsh regime. For Ria, this is her most defining asset and what she believes that make her equal to her rival and motivates her of unveiling her mother's killer's identity. Despite her intelligence, this does not peg her as a prodigy and compare to a total brainy individual, Ria pales in comparison.[/color][/indent] [b]FOCUS & SKILLS[/b] [indent][color=gray]As an Uchiha, Ria is expected to excel in all areas, typical and understandable given the Uchiha's nature as Jack of All Trades but master of none. Ria however has potential for Kenjutsu and had undergone a short training period with her father prior to his imprisonment, which led to her progression being halted. Ria is still young and has a lot ahead of her, but she is far from mastering her sword techniques. She is also a fast learner, given that she learned Mi-Enshin Kaihou-ken at the age of 9 through reading scrolls about it but only got a small grasp of it which is understandable, the technique itself was complex to other people even for her. Ria's fighting style revolves around clubbing opponents with her sheathed sword and formulating strategies. [/color] [/indent] [b]EQUIPMENT & INVENTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]-Nodachi -General Ninja Equipment[/color][/indent] [b]JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray] [hider=S Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=A Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=B Rank]■[/hider] [hider=C Rank]■ ■[/hider] [hider=D Rank]■ [/hider] [hider=E Rank][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/hider][/color][/indent] [b]CUSTOM JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray] [hider=N/A][b][u]Name[/u][/b] [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] [b][u]Range[/u][/b] [b][u]Description[/u][/b] [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] [b][u]Range[/u][/b] [b][u]Description[/u][/b] [/hider] [/color][/indent][/hider] [/quote] [list] [*] [sub]Definitely an improvement in making sense.[/sub] [*] [sub]Kinda hard to believe Kazuma just [i]let[/i] himself be imprisoned, especially if he didn't commit the murder [i]and[/i] just unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan. And, frankly, I don't think [@Gowi]'s going to be terribly fond of Kazuma unlocking MS, understandable trigger circumstances or not. That said, it still feels pretty tacked on.[/sub] [*] [sub]Not necessarily a criticism, but I'm not sure if Mirajunohana needs to be a separate style on its own. That said, if you do want to go that route, then [i]Shinkiroka[/i] is probably a better name, heh.[/sub] [*] [sub]I'll let [@Gowi] handle any quibbles he might have with the family relations section.[/sub] [/list] [quote=@DeadBeatWalking] [hider=Iburi Kodo][center] [hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5mZmZmZmYuUzI5a2J3LCwuMAAA/gang-of-three.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Pb2a0Ak.jpg[/img] [b]“Chakra is not a tool meant for killing, but for communication. It is the great connector of all living things.”[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TMbw86q.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]NAME[/b] [indent][color=gray]Iburi Kodo[/color][/indent] [b]GENDER[/b] [indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [b]AGE[/b] [indent][color=gray]13[/color][/indent] [b]ORIGIN[/b] [indent][color=gray]Konohagakure[/color][/indent] [b]RANK[/b] [indent][color=gray]Genin[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QGxTMQi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Despite his newly-appointed status as a genin, Kodo still appears very much like a young monk would; He prefers flowy, grey clothing with muted accents, paired with plain white socks and traditional geta. He wears nothing unnecessary -- no accessories, jewelry, armor, or hats, with even his leaf village headband securely around his waist in a display of modesty. When it is especially cold or raining heavily, Kodo will wear Konohagakure's traditional white-and-red striped cloak, though that seems to be as decorated as he gets. Typical of his maternal lineage, he has hair so light it seems white with green eyes, while his nose and pointed features were supposedly inherited from his absentee father. In terms of his physique, Kodo is notably lean and taut, as a result of his vegetarian diet and strict exercise regimen.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONALITY & MOTIVATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Kodo is everything one would expect a boy raised in a temple to be like. He is quiet, meticulous, polite, and stoic to an almost aggravating extent, often failing to pick up on nuanced social cues. He is unfailingly kind, and though he maintains a quiet distance between himself and his comrades, he frequently shows a genuine interest in the happiness and well-being of those around him. Though he is very rarely seen smiling, it would be inaccurate to say he is at all solemn or grim; Kodo's emotionless attitude is one of forced restraint than gloom or nihilism. Though this attitude is derived from his discipline rather than his natural [i]personality[/i], it would be unfair to refer to Kodo's detached mannerisms as a "mask", or any similar descriptor, as stoicism instilled through discipline has simply [i]become[/i] Kodo's personality. It might not have been Kodo when he was taken to the temple, though then again, very little about him has stayed the same since he was brought there. Despite his zen, carefree outlook, Kodo is not free from his own brand of inner demons. He harbors feelings of abandonment towards his parents for sending him to an isolated temple as an infant, and specifically for disappearing afterwards -- His father as a missing nin and his mother having fallen ill years ago. Kodo feels a similar resentment towards the temple for sending him out to become a ninja without letting him know the true reason [i]why[/i], and in many ways, resentment towards himself for not being able to fully detach from emotional bonds as a proper monk should. In order to distract himself from these difficulties, Kodo throws himself into his training, be it ninjutsu or monasticism. Aside from his emotionless mannerisms, abandonment issues, and knack for productivity, the final major facet of Kodo's personality is his identification as a monk of Ninshu; He was instructed by the monks to become a jonin before attaining monkhood because of his [i]strong[/i] attachment to his life at the temple as an acolyte, which the monks saw as an extension of Kodo's ego. Kodo genuinely enjoys the life of monasticism, and fully intends to return to it after completing his "test". Spending his childhood in a monastery has hardened Kodo, instilling intensely rigid habits in his daily life -- He is a vegetarian who begins his mornings with a half hour of prayer and half hour of exercise, who frequently tries to avoid simple comforts out of a sense of misguided duty. At the Fire Temple, monks eat mostly rice porridge and seaweed, for instance, which is now the only thing Kodo knows how to cook. The same monks almost exclusively communicate through Ninshu, and so Kodo is now a boy unfamiliar with noisy crowds or conversation. [/color][/indent] [b]CLAN HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]The Iburi name is synonymous in Konoha for their riches and reclusive nature, and across the world for their fine incense. One of the first cultivators and sellers of incense, the Iburi mon is one of the few found in every nation, be it in the small, expensive tins of incense one would gift a daimyo to the crates of plain, slow-burning incense sold at temples. As such, the Iburi compound features two impressive sets of high stone walls, and though ninjutsu makes scaling these an easy feat, the Iburi walls are seen by many as being more of a statement than a protective measure -- The Iburi are behind their walls, the rest of the world is beyond them, and the two are [i]not[/i] equal. The Iburi have surprisingly few connections or allies for all of their riches, which is owed to their proud clannishness. Additionally, the unpopular view of the Iburi is also affected by their statistically high number of missing nins. Their Kekkai Genkai, the Smoke Release, allows a member of the clan to turn themselves into smoke, which can torture, possess, or outright suffocate opponents. As a result, members of this affluent clan are equipped with a tool for assassination and sense of superiority at the moment of their birth, two features that are seen as cause for their high rate of disappearance and desertion.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONAL HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Kodo was born to Iburi Satoshi and Yamanaka Aina thirteen years ago, in the spring shortly after the war's end. His parents, who had both lost countless friends in the recent war had become disillusioned with their village ways and instead of sending their son to the academy, the couple opted to send their son to the Fire Temple. He would not learn military techniques during his childhood at the academy, but become a man of peace and discipline. Shortly after Kodo was sent away, his father Satoshi went missing, and has remained under Konoha's missing nin registry to this day. At the temple, Kodo had surprising success with the harsh rules instilled by the monks, and thoroughly devoted his life to the spiritual branch of Ninshu. During this time he learned to communicate through the use of chakra, one of the main tenets of the high monks who taught him, who otherwise maintained vows of silence. Learning this ability early in life has made Kodo something of an empath, which he uses when "reading" people. Kodo stayed at the temple for ten years, until a fateful winter morning when pulled aside by the monks at the age of eleven -- Kodo was instructed that his fondness for the ways of the temple were appreciated, but an extension of pride and ego as great as any other. Additionally, the monks mentioned, they had received word that Kodo's mother had fallen ill, and with his father's absence and her shunned status from both the Yamanaka and Iburi clan, Kodo would have to care for her. After asking about the duration of his stay, Kodo was told that by the time he attains the rank of Jonin, he may return to the temple. Since then, Kodo has had a fairly quiet life, which seems to be the closest thing he can get to still being a monk. Aside from his time spent catching up to the academy standards -- a feat that would take him two years, making him one of the older genins -- Kodo does very little but care for his mother Aina, train, and meditate. There is a white hare that frequents his garden named Yuki he sometimes feeds, though Kodo has no other pets or remarkable hobbies.[/color][/indent] [b]INFLUENCE & RELATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Within your clan and the academy/village.[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cKKkxGL.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]CHAKRA NATURE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Wind[/color][/indent] [b]SPECIAL TRAITS[/b] [indent][color=gray]General special affinities, talents, and abilities. Include your Kekkei Genkai if you have one.[/color][/indent] [b]FOCUS & SKILLS[/b] [indent][color=gray] Kodo, for lack of a better phrase, should really not be a ninja. He cannot bring himself to use a bladed weapon, a moral taught to him even by the warrior monks at the temple who would not arm themselves, and thereby does not make use of kunai, senbon, or shuriken. Also learned at the temple is the belief that trickery is immoral, which is the cause for Kodo's refusal to learn any genjutsu beyond the body substitution technique. These philosophical barriers have proved troublesome for Kodo's learning, though he has attained the rank of genin all the same by compensating with strength in other fields. Kodo has strength and stamina outweighing most of his peer group, as a result of his near-ascetic diet, exercise regime, and slight outbalance of age. Additionally, Kodo has learned to rely on his versatile kekkai genkai, which he can use in a multitude of ways -- Though some would call it over-reliance, Kodo's Smoke Release allows him to dodge attacks, move around the battlefield at an unnatural speed, hide himself and allies, and outright possess opponents. The Smoke Release can also be used to choke or torture enemies, though these are obviously outside the realm of consideration for Kodo. [/color][/indent] [b]EQUIPMENT & INVENTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Kodo wears metal armguards like those used by ANBU to deflect projectiles or bladed weapons, though otherwise the only supplies he takes on missions are smoke bombs, a favored tool of his clan. He currently has three types; Red smoke, which is meant to burn the eyes and lungs and cause enemies to flee, blue smoke, which is a compound made mostly of sleeping gas and sedative, and green smoke, which he uses to control and make physical with his kekkai genkai or use for cover.[/color][/indent] [b]JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray]Obvious list is obvious. Link to the Naruto wiki as well. [hider=S Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=A Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=B Rank]■[/hider] [hider=C Rank]■ ■[/hider] [hider=D Rank]■ ■ ■[/hider] [hider=E Rank][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/hider][/color][/indent] [b]CUSTOM JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray]Obvious list is obvious. [hider=Justu Name][b][u]Name[/u][/b] Text. [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] Text. [b][u]Range[/u][/b] Text. [b][u]Description[/u][/b] Text.[/hider][/color][/indent] [/hider] [/quote] [list] [*] [sub]So far so good. Honestly, the only part I'm iffy about is the pseudo-telepathy right now. (and maybe the slight spoiler?)[/sub] [/list]