[color=a0410d][h1]Bran Brass[/h1][/color] Bran had turned the corner putting in his head phones on, it was a walk to the briefing room and he didn't want to speak to anyone. Faunus and human along shot him dirty looks, as he stepped passed a group of Mistral soldiers who spun suddenly slamming his fist into Bran's jaw. "Damn traitor! Humans fight for humanity!" He spat kicking out at Bran's stomach, this guy had asked for it, Bran thought tasting blood from his cracked lip. He twisted his body to avoid the kick dropping sweeping his legs out from underneath him. He crashed to the to floor but with a fast spin the short boy brought leg back around slamming his heel into his chest, hard enough only to knock the wind out of him. [color=a0410d]"I'm not human... I'm a half breed, I fight for my family."[/color] Turning to walk away three more soldiers walked over, these were Mistral goons the worst of the bunch in Bran's opinion he saw them as the worst racists and bigots. The first activated a baton. "You beat one of our own half breed." The one in the lead grinned. "Gonna have to discipline you for that." Bran cracked his neck pulled his sword off his back and tossed it aside as the three spread out all of them branding stun batons. [color=a0410d]"This isn't fair... It's seven on three."[/color] He told them pulling his headphones on and finally playing a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BUl2xU7JMs]song[/url]. [color=a0410d]"I promise I'll keep this dance short ladies, I got places to be."[/color] Bran stepped back snapping his fingers seven off the short hot tempered boy appeared, each one straightening his suit and looking the others. The one lead soldier rushed forward as Bran the original tucked his hands into his pockets, jumping back to avoid the hit as one his grabbed another hand, tossing foot first into the guard. The four others Bran's advance cracking there knuckles as Bran turned walk on towards meeting letting the other six beat down the guard. Faunus nodding to him as his clones formed back up sliding back into him as he walked into the building heading towards briefing room five-oh-dee. Humming along as he walked in dusting off his black red pin striped suit. He took a seat tapping his fingers a moment before the song ended and he took off the head phones silencing them, looking to the others around the room.