I'd prefer the use of species as a term over race. Race implies a very close heritage with humans. I'd like the draft whenever you have it written. App is minimal, just open verse. However please make seperate sheets for your species and any major factions they have. All you need is the following- Name: Type: (species, faction, individual, organization etc.) Description: In what style you write your description is up to you as I don't put many limits on what you can contribute beyond not being allowed to dominate any whole world (the major ones, anyways. Having total control of a asteroid is not a problem) Humans exploring the star system is fine, just don't make a interstellar expedition out of it (a mission to earth at 1% the speed of light would take around 20 thousand years, believe me it's not worth it). The rest of the star system is much more barren, I should note. There may be a pocket or two of life hiding somewhere or some strange ruins with hostile custodians though.