Raiya decided that her fidgeting was no longer accomplishing anything. She took the cloth and clenched it in her hands, creating an immolation spell that burnt the cloth into ash. She poured the ashes into a small trash can next to the table she was using. She clapped her fingers together, removing the remaining ash dust. Then she laced her fingers together and bent them outwards, a serious of pops rang out from her hands and then she waved her hand over her dissembled weapon. All the sword components levitated from the desk and began reassembling themselves, a pinkish aura surrounding them. Raiya slid the clean sword into its scabbard and then flicked her wrist outwards, storing the sword in her mana-inventory. She turned to Nemo. [color=ec008c]"As you can imagine, I have lots of enemies. Rival gangs, occasional Salem Disciples, law enforcement..." [/color] Raiya leaned back in her chair and placed her hands on top over her head, her elbows winging out. [color=ec008c]"Nothing I can't handle though. Nothing that really offers me a challenge. Although, the Arcanocracy has been after me for quite some time, they stopped sending people after me after the second or third one I killed. Well... I suppose I didn't really kill them myself, my gang members did. But they still attribute their deaths to me."[/color] Raiya finished [color=ec008c]"What about you? I'm sure you have tons of people besides Felix who want to see you dead. Any interesting ones?"[/color] Raiya asked. [hr] Felix smiled and folded his arms, "Where to start, where to start...?" Felix pondered out loud while tapping his right forefinger on his upper left arm. He jolted up right and snapped his fingers, "Magic types!" Felix exclaimed. "Their are many methods of categorizing magic. Restoration, and destruction, fire and ice. Blah blah blah. Here's what you need to know. Most everyone is born with a clear aura, an aura untainted by our personalities and use. The only people who are born with an aura color are people with Talent Marks. Talent Marks are a wide range of biological mutations that occur in rare cases. The cause is unknown but we know it has something to do with the how the aura of the mother and the fetus interact with each other. It results in certain beast-like physical qualities. Take Raiya for example, her yellow eye is like that of a great snake, and by all means biologically it IS a great snake's eye, at least the dna template is the same as an actual great snake's eye. And, I never asked Nemo so I don't know for sure, but I am fairly certain that his ghostly white appearance is the result of a Talent Mark as well. People with Talent Marks have a Aura color from birth, which means they are extremely adept at their magic type." Felix paused for a moment before continuing. "Auras come in many colors but they all either fall under one or between two of the six types of magic elements. Earth, fire, water, air, aether, and void. Raiya's, for instance, falls between fire and air. Now, the color of the aura by itself is not important, but the color mixed with the feeling or vibe it gives off is the main indicator of what type of aura it is. And you can feel and see all of this if you activate manalysis. Manalysis is a fancy term for using our own aura to feel the mana waves given off by other auras. When it is activated, it also enhances your sight and allows you to see mana waves as well as feel them." Felix explained. "Your aura is the manifestation of the mana in your mana-well. Your mana-wells are metaphysical organs located within the heart. They are not visible to the naked eye, but can be seen with manalysis. Mana is released through your blood stream and secretes out of your pores which creates the visible aura. To cast a spell, you must focus on your aura and give it meaning, intention. In order to do this you can do a number of things, using incantations, or placing the aura into a runic symbol, or channel it through a physical medium like a staff or sword. Once you're skilled enough, you can even cast spells without using such means, just by thinking about it some spells can be cast." Felix flicked his wrist causing his blue manaegis sword to solidify to existence. It dropped in his right hand, he twirled it around for a moment before tossing it up into the air causing it to dissipate into a blue flame. "Is any of this making sense to you?" Felix asked