[center][h2][i][color=39b54a]Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul[/color][/i][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center][sup][i]Still hoping to help everyone.[/i][/sup] Lucia sighed in relief as she finally found where Naomi was hurt, and was certain that the older girl was still alive. She had a nasty gash on her leg, but without anything to wrap it with Lucia couldn't do anything to help that at all yet. She considered trying to clean the wound with the water from the pond, but before she could act on the thought, she heard others calling out now, answering her call from before. [quote][color=ed1c24]"Mrs. Cassidy is in danger."[/color][/quote] [quote][b]"[color=fff200]I'm fine Lucy, kinda...[/color]" "[color=fff200]I don't think I'm that beat up anyway...[/color]"[/b][/quote] At the first call Mimi ran off, beckoning Lucia to follow her as she did. Lucia stood up and glanced down at Naomi before deciding to follow. The older girl would be fine for a little while, right? [color=39b54a]"Wait up!"[/color] She was slower than Mimi in getting to where Ms. Cassidy was, and once she got there she had no idea what to do. The teacher was hanging over the edge of a cliff, an older boy trying to hold her and keep her from falling. Mimi went to get a few pairs of jeans from a pile of backpacks and clothes, and Lucia looked around to see if anyone else was coming to help. It, didn't seem like it yet, but there was a good chance that everyone was still stunned from the crash and couldn't really help. As Mimi lay out her plan, Lucia took hold of the now makeshift rope, ready to pull when it came time. [color=39b54a]"Wait, shouldn't we try to tie these together and then tie one end to Ms. Cassidy? then we can all pull from this end away from the cliff so none of us fall over either."[/color]