Sabine held her breath as unknown magic coursed through her entire being. She charged a spell to dispel magic on herself as a reflex, holding it just in case it proved harmful. Not that there was anything she could do about it. It was as mysterious as it was powerful. Thankfully, it ended rather quickly. The first thing Sabine saw upon the magic ending was, apparently to her, the same pillar as before. It was as if she hadn't moved at all. She looked down at her body, nothing seemed to have changed. She just felt a chill on her skin. She wheeled around in place, "I don't unders-..." Sabine did not see Meesei, or any of her pack. She saw a few surprised looking warriors -- smelling like lycans -- surrounded by Dwemer architecture. She was dumbstruck, blinking as if her eyes weren't working properly. These warriors were outfitted like the warriors in Blackreach. A wrenching disconnect roiled through her head just thinking that she might suddenly be back home. As she stepped off the circular dais that surrounded the pillar behind her, she found her voice again. She was still very disoriented. "Um. Where am I?" They only answered with the legs of their chairs singing discordantly on the ground as they suddenly stood up straight. "Oh, Meesei." Sabine was surprised by Meesei's appearance as she walked past her to the doors with her coat on. Sabine kept talking while she heaved them open. The cold air rushed in. "I have never experienced magic like that before. It felt like it was taking me apart and putting me back together somewhere else, but it was doing it instantly, and I did not feel any pain, cannot be." Sabine's jaw dropped at the view through the door, once her eyes adjusted. Sabine slowly stepped up beside Meesei, staring out at the unmistakable landscape of north-eastern Skyrim. "That is impossible," Sabine could not think of anything else to call it. "Did...any time pass getting here? Was I put to sleep for the journey?" [hr] To varying degrees, the entire pack had a similar reaction to Kaleeth. They had seen magical invisibility before, but this was something different. Their stunned silence was only prolonged by Meesei following along and disappearing as well. After another few seconds, Janius released a single laugh. "Huh, she's having a laugh. It has to be safe." Janius strode up and touched the pillar. "Wait, not so fast!" Fendros reached out too late. Janius disappeared in a flash of light just like Meesei and Sabine. [hr] The moment of realisation for Sabine was still playing out. She hardly noticed Janius stride up behind them. "Meesei, where are we? I feel dizzy...and why are Redmond and his friends here?" Janius' own look was priceless when he recognised where they were. His entire face relaxed into wonder. A sudden huff escaped his lips, followed by a series of them. It escalated into an incredulous laugh that only got louder. He clapped his gloved hands. "Meesei, you clever magician!" Moments later, Leaps-On-Elves was skittering off the dais with Fendros stumbling after him. The other members of the pack eventually began to come through as well. Once Fendros got Leaps under control and got his bearings, his shock was contrasted to Janius' by his complete, mentally defeated silence. He had only heard passing mention of propylons from his parents when talking about Morrowind; he had no idea that they took people from place to place instantly.