[h3][color=bedded][b][center] Thomas Richard Harrison [/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][indent][color=bedded][i]Location:[/i][/color] Orsinium [color=bedded][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Ntaj, Calanon & A tree? [/indent][/center] If a tree falls down in the centermost of the forest, And there are none to witness an event occur, Does the tree actually fall down? If none are present to record this simple truth, Then is such an event a falsehood? For if neither you nor I could confirm the tree had fallen, we may only look at what was and the outcome. And from the past observation and current ones, we bridge the gap between. Missing information is presumed, filled in, perceived, conceived, deceived. And that is why reality is a falsehood. We are so far removed from the truth of all events which happen, for even in the moments they occur, Our minds live in the past for it takes the scant moments for the thought to process what was. Thus it is reality, that is the greatest lie of all. There is no tree, there is no forest, There is no sound, there is nothing. Outside my mind, nothing exists. Cyneburg was a correct, ideally only one person was needed to go fetch a chief. A chief who stayed back in the cave in the kerfuffle. [color=bedded]"Thanks... That means a lot...[/color] Thomas mentioned to Calanon, unless of course they were speaking to Ntaj earlier. Not that elks speak, but Calanon seemed to strongly associated with his animal friend. Just like the rest of the party, someone had a horse, a cat, a wolf, a bird. All Thomas needed to bring was some sort of magical fish. [color=bedded]"Hey Ntaj, if Cyneburg's going without some backup, maybe uh, you should stay here? Just in case they uh...[/color] Thomas didn't quite want to say what was hopefully implied. His hesitancy of course weighed carefully, but what if the Orcs decided to blame the group? It wouldn't do well to lose both translators in one fell swoop. Not that Thomas wanted Cyneburg to go alone, but one single party member shouldn't be too much of a threat to an orc warlord chief person thing. Not that Thomas has dealt with the being in question personally, but Cyneburg was indeed the wiser on both counts. [color=bedded]"And if trouble does come, I've only got two spells left, we could use another set of eyes and some uh, muscle."[/color] That last bit came out a bit awkwardly. Almost certain Thomas paused there a bit too long for a comma. Not quite long enough for a ellipses, but definitely a tiny bit longer than he ought to given the punctuation. Thomas didn't really expect trouble coming back again, True dawn was approaching and with it, his need to meditate once more to regain his spells. Either way Thomas stared down at a suitable tree for climbing, opposite of Lerraina's to some extent, perhaps off parts of a radian. It had been quite sometime since Thomas climbed trees, not usually something he did in the party, yet Maybe he'd be able to get up there without making too much of an embarrassing moment for himself. He did after all somewhat wanted to show Ntaj his faith in Thomas wasn't a bad call. [color=bedded]"Right, try not to kill me."[/color] Thomas patted the tree, almost begging his request as he attempted to hop up onto one of the boughs and liberally hug a tree. Definitely not good for his robes.