[center][img]http://imgur.com/NAoC3nS.jpg[/img][/center] Jiangli let out a low whistle at the reported death count, grimacing. [b]"Twenty armed gangsters? We'll need to deploy in force and use heavy firepower to handle this, at the least."[/b] He murmured, reflexively reaching for his pack of cigarettes despite already reeking of cheap tobacco. He stuck one in his mouth, but didn't bother lighting it. Jiangli shrugged at Echo, still resisting the urge to light up in a non-smoking room. [b]"Can't say for sure yet. We'll need to see what Cash knows first before we make any plans."[/b] He shifted his gaze to Echo's grocery bag. [b]"You pick up any more Lucky Strikes?"[/b] The former Agent gestured to his box of cigarettes. [b]"I'm on my last box."[/b]