[@fer1323] Ok. Sophia and Rheese ran into Hammer again in the Pokecentre. Ray stepped in and defeated him in a battle, so now Hammer has stormed out of the building, but is still around Mesalon. Rheese left to train/catch Pokemon, and Sophia went to try to calm down (emphasis on try). Alexis went over to find out what was going on, and Ray reappeared to tell Sophia to talk to him in the Pokecentre. Amber and Nyxx witnessed the battle, and Aedre's curious about what happened. Right now, though, Amber and Aedre are talking to Deneb, who's getting his Pokemon healed. Mistress Hollow is looking for Hammer. Solanna didn't react well to seeing Hammer, and is currently in the hallway, but she's going to make her reappearance soon. Whew! That's a lot. No wonder you wanted a summary.