Spade gasped as he regained consciousness. Where once had been painful burns, bruises, and scraps was now gentle cooling that seemed to pulsate with his heart beat. Second to his sudden healing his thoughts turned to his now dead horse. Stupid. He should have waited to rush past the beast until he was sure it was down. Now his horse was surely broken at the bottom of the ravine. [color=f6989d]"I told you not to overdo it! If you didn't have the strength, you should've said so... You'll be fine... just rest up..."[/color] ([@Cherrywitch]) A small but bold voice brought Spade from his thoughts. His eyes flashed open he was laying on the wagon. Sitting up he saw a young girl slumped to the floor of the wagon next to him. Her white hair cascaded across her face hiding her eyes. A tattered doll rabbit sat in her lap staring at him? Suddenly Spade remembered again that the beast had not been down last he remembered. He quickly shifted to a kneeling position to look out of the wagon. He saw what appeared to be a glowing suit of armor walking... hovering away from the scorched and ooze covered stone. A darkly garbed man pulled himself into the wagon tossing complaints about the metal golem. "It might be strong, but I'm hardly convinced that hollow metal creature's even the slightest bit clever." ([@emu]) a noble boy chided. Spade's crooked smile altered his face as he saw the pale green of the boy's face. He was terrified. [color=teal] "Oh? Not clever? Surely the magic suit of armor is clever enough to hold himself together. So why can't he be clever in other ways?" [/color]Spade said pulling himself off the ground and extending a hand toward the boy. [color=teal] "Oh, I'm Spade by the way. Sorry I'm late. But you all know the atrocity of the noble politics." [/color]