Hello there, i found this site by browsing google, because i wanted to see an active community actually.. this place is rather curious, and it's possible i visited it (or not, thanks swiss-cheese memory), i enjoy playing as canon characters, and i rarely use OCs due to lack of motivation and interests, oh and... yes, i'm french, i hope it won't be a problem here, our times may be different, but it's always interesting to meet people over the world. (so if you plan to study the language, don't stress, i'm not here to judge). what else can i say?.. oh that right! i enjoy a lot of games actually (tought i'm not a fan of Nintendo, i do enjoy their professor Layton and Ace Attorney, also Yoshi Wooly world 3ds is very nice too), (my playstation games will be probably too long, and it may includes games that have never been discussed elsewhere). my RPs style are limited to 1x1, because i can read the text more easily (i used to do in little groups, but only close friends were allowed). I'm not picky on lenght, as long we can share a good laugh, a good story, a good exploration, etc! a lot of stuffs! have any questions? (not too personnal), go ahead, i will try to respond.