The current situation means Daelin will be saved. Dzuungits will live and lead his troops in overrunning Nightgate Inn. Most Braves will fight to the end in order for us to get Daelin out. You have today to change your decision. Note that killing Dzuungits will force the Kamals to retreat. Dice to come later. Here's the preliminary actions: [list] [*][b]Keegan[/b]: Retreat [*][b]Dax[/b]: Retreat [*][b]Marcel[/b]: Help Daelin [*][b]Sevine[/b]: Help Daelin [*][b]Rhasha[/b]: Help Daelin [*][b]Bharzak[/b]: Help Daelin after getting away from Dzuungits [*][b]Jorwen[/b]: Distract Dzuungits so Bharzak can escape [/list]