[@Nytefall]Is this okay? [centre][hider=Agent Iowa][img]http://i.imgur.com/mwfZKy9.png[/img] [hr] [color=Red]Full name[/color] [color=Silver]Grant McGregory[/color] [color=Red]Codename[/color] [color=Silver]Iowa[/color] [color=Red]Gender[/color] [color=Silver]Male[/color] [color=Red]Age[/color] [color=Silver]29[/color] [color=Red]Implanted A.I.[/color] [color=Orange]Sigma[/color] [color=Red]Armour Ability[/color] [color=Silver]Jet-Suit[/color] [color=Red]Appearance[/color] [hider=Grant McGregory][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/ca96/f/2014/205/f/4/dexter_manning_welcome_by_secondsetback-d7s13vn.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [color=Red]Personality[/color] [color=Silver]Whereas Grant hasn't been on the more optimistic side of life, he surely faces the realism of it. However, he enjoys sugar-coating his troubles with a sense of witty remarks and comedic, creative Operation methods. There aren't many times were Grant has seen a large, substantial amount of pride in his actions, but the odd here and there he'll celebrate whatever he finds amusing, witty or downright useful towards the given objective. Being more of a team-spirit kind of individual, due to his fighting styles, he's prone to depending heavily on other Agents on field, meaning solo operations or engagements can sometimes put a small deal of pressure and tension on him. Unfortunately, that also is a reason for him to get far too close to other members of his Unit, which isn't always ideal in Project Freelancer.[/color] [color=Red]Background[/color] [color=Silver]During the Great-War, Grant was brought up into a different style of life. Instead of fighting the Covenant or any other major threats, he made a living growing up within a Small Insurgent Cell that jumped between systems in order to sustain themselves. Though it does not provide the same military, extensive training, it features experience and training on the battlefield from small-scale firefights and sieges. Having started the arts of guerrilla warfare and unconventional combat tactics at a young age, he developed his way up towards the more important tasks his family and group had to offer. Within this Cell, Grant had gotten enough experience to learn that even in humanity's desperate times, they were still keen on killing one another in the background, having caused him to be involved in their acts originally. They didn't plan on making a massive difference, but they wanted to get their message across about humanity's violence and segregation between one another. The only way to know how to do that was to devise plans that only the UNSC would be familiar with, violence. It was contradictory, yes...But it worked out. For a while, at least. During recent months, an Operation to gather UNSC data in the hopes to convince them to pay attention to their demands and cries for help, which had been ignored for so long that the group had resorted to minor insurgency. Now, Grant was a difficult one to tackle. He completely supported the UNSC in their struggles against the Great War's threats, but he was in disagreement with their attention paid to the poorer colonies. Because of this conflict in compassion, when settled as a designated marksman for the Operation, he found himself only shooting the legs of targeted UNSC Personnel. However, this non-lethal decision had left him exposed to discovery, and a major conflict broke out during one of their objectives. Grant was lucky enough to engage in CQC well enough to eliminate two pursers, but could not prevent the force of the UNSC from catching up quickly. He was captured and held quietly. It was a short sentence, as he sat in regret for his total actions, before someone of a promised future bailed him out early. Though this background of insurgency hasn't left him very popular amongst his new ranks in Project Freelancer, the ones who freed him in favour of his cooperation, but he's managed to get used to the minor verbal abuse faced in his first days, weeks and months. Now, kitted out with his new armour, he is far more suited to fitting in as a Freelancer Agent, rather than an Insurgent.[/color] [color=Red]Weapon Loadout[/color] [color=Silver]M392 Designated Marksman Rifle w/ extended barrel [Barrel and Optic Additions available] M6C Handgun Kukri Blade x2 Smoke Grenades x1 Fragmentation Grenade x1 Dud Grenade [A Grenade Shell, but without the explosives] [/color] [color=Red]Fighting Style[/color] [color=Silver]Preferred at Mid-Long Range by his peers, superiors and himself, Grant suits the role of a designated marksmen quite well. But from what he'd been brought up in alongside the arts of guerrilla warfare, he's been chosen as useful up-close, mainly with both blade and handgun. These mixed with his armour ability make for a unique and fast fighting style, but hand to hand combat isn't his greatest strength.[/color] [/hider] [/centre]