[b]GATE: Manila, Philippines[/b] In the year 20XX, in the administration of the 'Iron Lady' Belinda Rizal, the most important event in Philippine History occured. A gigantic portal, a rift between worlds, opened up in the middle of the walled district of Intramuros within Manila, from which poured through a vast army of Roman-style legions, accompanied by Dragons and other Monsters, as well as the fires of Magic. They ransacked the area, killing hundreds of people indiscriminately, before being driven back by a combination of the Philippine Army, Police, and a Private Military Company, Sword PMC. But the Gate still remained, the city was still reeling, and the United Nations, while willing to send help to the Philippines, was adamant that no one country can stake its claims to the territory beyond the Gate. And so, GATEFORCE, a rare coalition of armies mustered by all the Great Powers, was mustered, in order to explore the lands beyond the portal, as well as bring the Empire, the political entity that had invaded Manila, to the negotiating table. But, despite the technological superiority of our world to the one beyond the Gate, it will not be easy. 'Gods', Magic, and Monsters exist, and GATEFORCE's internal politics might yet undo everything that has been achieved... ------ So, there you have it; a GATE RP in which the titular Gate opens somewhere else than in Japan, and the effort beyond it is a joint UN Force instead of Japan only. And, yes, you can play people from the Gate's world, although Imperial characters need special permission from me. ------ Warning: This RP is Mature, and includes both hetrosexual and homosexual themes. If you don't like the latter, or sex in general, don't reply in the first place. ------- [hider=Rules] 1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc. 2.) Note, there will be sexual themes in this RP, but anything above nudity is forbidden, because I don't want us to get banned. 3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC. 4.) You can control NPCs when I explicitly say that you can control them. 5.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I myself will let you guys know if I will be gone. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [b]Appearance:[/b] [B]Starting Faction:[/B][I](UN, Imperial, Independent)[/I] [B]Skills:[/B] [B]Standard Equipment:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] [/hider]