[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] It seemed Cait had brought her...gifts. Or something. There was fruit, a pot of something and a few other various assorted things. The bed didn't look particularly comfortable, but it was better than the stone floor. Okay. That was...good, she supposed, but she was tired and she wanted sleep, and she honestly didn't want to sleep so close to Cait. She wasn't really fine with it before - she was just too tired to really shove the other woman off of her. Now though, she would much rather sleep alone rather than have someone bother her while sleeping. Oh, and Cait also wanted her to wash herself apparently. She had completely forgotten about such a thing. Tsk, why couldn't people just leave her to her work. It wasn't like she was going to get sick or anything. She already had taken measures against such things when she was younger. A little dirt or chemicals never killed anyone that knew what they were doing. With a tired, somewhat irritated seeming sigh, Charlotte shook her head. She'd do that tomorrow. She was just going to get sweaty again anyways, so cleaning would be futile. She'd do that after she made decent progress in her new home tomorrow. Hopefully that solution would help, but with the potency of it in question, she couldn't really say. She supposed, though, she could at least tolerate sleeping close to the other girl. With a stretch and a yawn, Charlotte moved over to the blanket and laid down on it intent on sleeping.