[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/91ATjtr.jpg[/img][hr][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170217/234898e7bd0b7ccd722ef836bb994dc8.png[/img][hr][b][color=black][u]Location;[/u][/color][/b] The Real World House[hr][/center] [center]As soon as Shawn got into the house the night before, she'd made a beeline for the shower, eager to scrub off the sour scent of bad booze, puke and desperation. Working nights at a bar had it's perks, but this sure as hell wasn't one of them. Aside from making drinks, she constantly had to deal with the scumbags who hit on her consistently, and the alcoholics who never knew when to put down the bottle. She'd even had to hide a few car keys to ensure that her customers wouldn't try to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Sure, she loved the job, and the free drinks that came along with it, but she didn't always enjoy what came with the package. If she'd saved enough money before deciding to join the show, she probably wouldn't have chosen to work there. Overall, it was a long night, and by the time she'd gotten out of the shower, she was so tired that instead of putting on her night clothes, she threw on a robe and crawled straight into bed. It took her a few moments to remember this little detail when she woke up the next morning to the light vibration of her cell phone, the cold air causing her to pull the covers tightly around her body. [color=black]"Jesus fucking Christ,"[/color] Ashanti said aloud as she rolled out of bed and stood on the cool wooden floors, [color=black]"What's the god damn thermostat on? Below thirty?"[/color] Ever since she was a little girl, Ashanti has never been a morning person. Hell, the only reason why she wasn't still bundled up in bed was because she didn't want to appear too "lazy" on television. After a few more moments of grunting in discomfort and fumbling around for a T-Shirt and sweatpants, Shawn finally made her way to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and ran a comb through her hair. It was then that the faint fumes of sizzling bacon started drifting up from the kitchen, and Shawn's stomach started to grumble. [color=black]"Yes, please,"[/color] she mumbled hungrily before taking one last look in the mirror and heading downstairs. The closer she got to the kitchen, the stronger the smell became, and the louder her stomach growled. [color=black]"Garrett got the whole house smelling all good and shit."[/color] Shawn said once she'd reached the kitchen, her eyes brightening when they landed on the plate of bacon. [color=black]"You're awesome."[/color] She filled a plate with two slices of bacon and about a spoonful of eggs before grabbing a bottle of maple syrup from the cabinet and taking an empty seat at the table. [color=black]"Hope everyone slept well,"[/color] she said as she poured the syrup over top her eggs. Some people would probably find this extremely disgusting, but Ashanti never paid them any mind. Everyone that knew Shawn knew that she [i]simply couldn't[/i] eat eggs without syrup or hot sauce. As she forked the contents of the plate into her mouth, Shawn let her eyes sweep over the present housemates, her gaze momentarily lingering on Ally. So far, after an entire week of living in the house, she'd made a good number of friends, including Garrett and Casimir, but somehow also managed to find an "enemy" in Ally. However, this was only week two, and anything was subject to change.[/center]