As the sharpedos charged forward, rushing straight towards Io and Auggie, the young man began panicking. His plan wasn't as thought out as he had expected of course as his mind went blank from the threat of the charging sharks. Thankfully one of the trainers on shore had sent out their Popplio to use their Disarming Voice to stun the sharks for a few seconds. That was enough time for Ioane to think of something as he and his monkey partner were now in sync. With whatever force he could muster up, Io threw Auggie into the air towards the direction of the shark Pokemon, ordering him to strike them with punches. "Power-Up Punch the both of them!" The lavender monkey landed onto one of the sharks, pounding it down with his tail before using the impact and force from his first punch to launch himself into the air towards the other sharpedo, delivering another powered punch. The two punches were even more effective with the help of the Disarming Voices that were thrown at them too, causing them to shake and re-route their attention back into the deeper waters away from people. Io sighed with relief as he watched the fins of the shark dart away, knowing full well that what he did was stupid and idiotic, and that in some strange miracle he had made it out without a scratch to his body. Ioane and his partner Pokemon swam back to shore as the gigantic school of Wishiwashi had calmed down at the sight of their three friend's returning. The rampaging Pokemon were now all back into their solo forms as they skipped and swam away. Noticing that the trainers were still around, Io, without hesitation for once, bowed as he neared them, still shirtless. "Thank you all for helping out." Auggie jumped onto his trainer's shoulder as he just smiled, glancing at each trainer.