To Luca, the most remarkable part of his surroundings were the several passengers [i]not[/i] ticking. Naturals. He ought to have been on his best behavior, but circumstances being what they were, he was grateful simply for consciousness. He sat quietly with his head bowed -- just as he'd found himself upon waking, unable to move. His eyes remained fixed on the small plaque in his palm, until he was able to conjure some small movement in his fingers. With his first movements he turned his hand over, concealing the missive against his lap, and then sat there motionless once again, hoping no one had noticed. [color=ded0a4]"Where are we going?"[/color] asked an unfamiliar voice. [color=00a651]"I'd like to know the answer to that question too, please,"[/color] asked another. Then, after a pause, "Well I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm on my way to see a patient." Luca's eyes flicked up. He chanced only the briefest glance around the cabin, just enough to bewilder himself at the strange decor and the stranger compatriots, then lowered his head again. The red-haired man seemed more glowering than 'dorky,' but could only be the one mentioned in his message. [i]So then. Stay close to that one.[/i] Perhaps it was only his imagination, but Luca thought he felt eyes on him. He raised his head and opened his eyes, or tried to -- only the left responded. He was staring into a mask of metal with darkened slits. [i]I will never understand the wealthy,[/i] he thought, assuming this strange disguise to be some sort of Corporate-natural fashion. He turned his attention to the others, avoiding his red-haired assignment, and settled on the one who had spoken of a patient. "Good...... morning?" he said, feeling foolish. He straightened up, and, still a bit stiff, jostled some of the drinks with an involuntary movement of his arm. No harm done. "Sorry," he said anyway. More than anything he wanted to ask where he was, who they were, what they were doing here -- but his missive seemed to imply some sort of mischief would soon be expected of him. He didn't know whether these naturals were his partners or his targets. For now he would have to settle for trying to follow his instructions to the letter, and keeping his head down.