[color=c0c0c0]"After my time away I'm afraid I'm gonna have to start from scratch. I've lost a lot of notoriety."[/color] Nemo replied. [color=c0c0c0]"Most well known magic organizations find my existence to be both a threat and an insult. So that's an easy one. Other than that I have to worry about assassin in-fighting. A good portion of my [i]colleges[/i] have enough respect to keep things civil, but that's not always the case. Everybody wants to be considered the gold standard, killing me would remove me as a competitor and also significantly boost their reputation."[/color] He explained. [color=c0c0c0]"Retaliation from somebody who I've done a job against isn't as much of a problem as one would think. Anybody worth their weight knows that attacking me would be like fighting the weapon used in the act. It's a guaranteed net loss from the start. What they [i]really[/i] want is the person who hired me." [/color] [color=c0c0c0]"In the era building up to the standoff between Felix, his team, and I, there were a couple of noteworthy adversaries. Karl Magnussen, a former Dutch Academia professor gone rogue. He was renown for having an exceptionally large manapool, and thus being able to pull off incredibly destructive spells successively without draining himself dry. Magnussen's radical splinter organization had been causing havoc in multiple French towns, he planned to eventually raid a underground museum which preserved powerful artifacts with the end goal of obtaining an item that he believed could amplify his magical prowess to the point where he could destroy the Academia's colleges and eventually collapse their organization."[/color] Nemo explained. [color=c0c0c0]"After being tipped off with what's to come, the museum hired me both as protection, and to eliminate Magnussen and his cause. After gaining information, I began to pick off his members one by one at a distance to cripple him. Magnussen took it personally, and over the course of a couple weeks escalated it to a standoff. I sieged his base of operations, slaughtered his lackeys, and then fought the head honcho himself. His destructive capability wasn't a bluff, it rivaled mine quite well, but in the end my absorption ability gave me the upper hand, and I later consumed all that he had. I didn't even have to torch his base, as he did that himself quite well with his recklessness."[/color] Nemo got up from his seat before continuing.[color=c0c0c0] "The other I can think of is Sir Charles Reginald Glastonbury III, bit of a mouthful. He was a British manhunter who operated in South Africa. Charles was a big game hunter at first, but eventually got the taste of magi blood and never went back. He was an example of what I talked about before, someone looking to gain reputation for killing me. As a game hunter it's in his nature."[/color] Nemo placed his hands in his pockets. [color=c0c0c0]"When I was on a trip that brought me to Swaziland, Charles ambushed me out in the wild. For eight days and nights we exchanged fire with bolt action rifles. Moving, or really crawling only when it was safe, eating and drinking only what we had on us and what could be found nearby, not a lick of sleep. When the sunrise of the ninth day came, I caught a glint of his scope and fired."[/color] [color=c0c0c0]"I thought I had killed him, but by the time I reached the place where his body would be, it was gone. Turns out the bullet lodged in the scope, only blinding his right eye. After two days I tracked him down to his humble abode and we had ourselves one final duel. He cheated death once, but after getting downed by a rifle shot to the chest, he didn't get back up."[/color] Nemo finished, walking over to the door. [color=c0c0c0]"All this talk has got me parched. And after seeing those Japanese blades earlier, I'm in the mood for green tea. Care to join me downstairs, Raiya?"[/color] Nemo asked, opening the door.