[@Framing A Moose][@grandia20][@elfenlied123][@GingerBoi123] Chi giggled as her friend let out a scream. Her notebook went flying and the face Mouse had made was priceless. Though she had felt a little bad afterwards. Mouse began to reply as to why she was feeling not at her fullest when all of a sudden Kyy and a few others were seen storming over to them. She couldn't help but wonder if some drama had been developing without her knowledge. [b]"Believe it or not... zombies!"[/b] Kyy had yelled. Chi shook her head, as her eyes rolled. There was no such thing. However, when her doe eyes looked over at the window to be greeted by the face of Ms. Fall- all ideas of what was real or not went out the window. [i]"Oh my God."[/i] Chi said as panic erupted around her. People were screaming, pushing, gathering items and throwing them. It was madness. Sheer and utter madness.