[@PhoenixRising] Sylvias heart raced as Ken firmly placed his hands on her shoulders. This was it! His lust had driven out any other thought. Now was her time to shine and supp on her just desserts! Something far sweeter than a cinnamon roll (divine though they were). Expecting something else, she leaned back ever so slightly to push her large chest forward. [i] "Yes, I did actually say something, I was asking if you knew where the dorms were. I'm new here and lost, so I've really got no clue where to go. I'd appreciate if you could give me directions."[/i] The temptress part of her brain had stopped working. "... eh?" Her whole body stuck in an inviting pose, bit her face was screwed up into a look of absolute confusion. Nothing at all. The boy hadn't respinded to any of it. Maybe he wasn't into.. no. There was lust in him but the fool was either oblivious or clever. The change was instantaneous. Once golden locks and blue eyes, now turned a fiery red as the bulled forward, hands on hips with a scowl that could kill. The creamy soft white skin turned to scales, fangs now dominated her mouth, with claws just as sharp as her outrage took control. "You dumbass, im offering you a good time and all you can think of is.. is a room? A damn room i would have taken you to anyways? For something far more pleasant than..." Sylvia huffed and puffed, taking deep breaths as she focused on reverting to her nornal black haired appearance. Patting the air she calmly took a step back and exhaled deeply before staring at the boy with a frown. "Fine! I'll show you the damn dorm.." spinning on her heel, she promplty began stomping her way to the buildings in the distance used as home for students on campus. The entire walk was filled with Sylvias upset mumbling. Everything from limp, to more unflattering remarks. Finally they arrived at the appropriate building and the succubus issued one final 'hmph' with a pouting expression before going to her assigned room. Her roommate hadn't arrived yet, so at least she could enjoy the quiet for a little longer.