[b]Hell comes in a handgrenade, baskets are harmless.[/b] War was never pretty. Battle never went according to plan. And Savesh were brutal motherfuckers. These were things Hedberg was quickly coming to realize. The Savesh, having been scattered at first, none the less returned fired. Dirt and debris shot up in muddy geysers as bullets smashed against the foilage around Second Squad. Leqba for his part, gave as good as he took, the Negev laying down a hailstorm of bullets onto a group of Savesh, keeping them in cover. Hedberg counted his men and women quickly to see if anyone was down, so far so good. He heard Park call out as he took a bullet and swore. “Helvetes jävla skit!” He placed another HE grenade with heavy thud into backline of Savesh, the grenade landing squarely at the feet of one of them. The blue blood flowing from a severely mangled alien corpse only added to the strange sureness of their current engagement. As he loaded he heard a yelp and a wet smack as Anoi fell onto his back. His eyes wide, he was gripping his upper arm. The bullet had him him square in the arm and buried almost all the way through. Whatever caliber their enemy used, is sure wasn’t pretty. The bullet had been large enough to pack enough punch that the bullet completely fragmented inside the arm. There was no quick fix for it. Anoi had been supremely unlucky to, the bullet had hit him from of the few remaining Savesh as the ambush died down. “Medic! I’m hit Sarge!” He grunted as he shifted to lay in proper cover. His arm hung limply from where he clasped it. “Goddamnit” He whined as he grew pale I “I think my arm is a goner” “ “I can see that Anoi. Stay focused, who knows, maybe the Aliens know how to fix it. FOr now, lets get you to a fucking medic.” He rose to his feet as slung the mans healthy arm across his shoulder and helped him towards Atwater. “Got another one for you Doc.” He said as he helped Anoi down. “ Bezrodny, make sure your boys and girls are as fresh as can be. I want you to form a firing line to my left. ” He called out to team leader before turned to the other two “I don’t like putting bullets in wounded, but this isn’t earth, they ain't human and they won’t afford us any of the same courtesy. So we follow lead, put down anything that looks like it is gonna even consider getting up. See if you can find anything useful as well, any observations you make, note them down, remember them. It could save you in the future.” Thats when the bad news came in. More of them, a lot more of them. “Well shit. Someone better get on coms and see if we can get some firesupport!” He growled as he snapped his M23 open and lodged smoke grenade in place. “Allright you louts, into position. Get to cover, C team to my left. A team, to their left, stagger. B team, to my right. Make sure those pigs cover a flank each. Anything looking remotely close to firing at us, shred it.”