For most part of the flight, Jean had been slipping in and out of half-sleep and being awake. It had been mostly a monotone flight. There had been some gusts and sporadic AA fire. When the co-pilot came and shouted that they were nearing the drop-zone, Jean felt a bit drowsy. [i]I shouldn't have slept so much[/i], he thought, and tossed the thought away. He checked his equipment for the last time, and as Maria first and then the Swiss siblings jumped, Jean took the steps towards the door. At the door, he could only see darkness and dim outlines in the ground. [i]Don't look down. Hands outside the door. Jump, fall, pull, yank[/i] final thoughts ran in his head, as he stepped out of the door. [i]La garde meurt, mais ne se rend pas.[/i] He jumped and fell. As Jean pulled the parachute's cord, he felt the relief of the yank, as the parachute opened.