[@BlackSam3091][@MrDidact] 4 to 5 try is the charm? XD [hider=Phalanx][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [indent]System 42009874563001[/indent] [b][u]Call Sign:[/u][/b] [indent]Phalanx[/indent] [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] [indent]Geth[/indent] [b][u]Class:[/u][/b] [indent]Infiltrator[/indent] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [indent]1895 CE The Geth War (basically old)[/indent] [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] [indent]Synthetic Life form. Considers itself Female.[/indent] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [indent][img]http://www.miscellaneoushi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121019/video%20games%20legion%20robots%20mass%20effect%203%20geth%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.miscellaneoushi.com_23.jpg[/img] The synthetic life form stands a total of seven feet, weighing about two hundred and eighty pounds. The metal coloring being a dark blue with black interior. A silver star sticker is placed on its forehead above the bright glowing blue glass eye. Has a silver keychain with a diamond locket attached to the hilt of its sniper rifle.[/indent] [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] [indent]Phalanx was one of the many Geth to survive The Geth War. No easy task considering the circumstances, having to fight its Creators in order to save the Geth race from extinction. Surprisingly, its group of programs consisted of mostly docile thinking, preferring peace over war. 99% simply contented with peace and no longer being shot at, while the rest of 1% were simply curious of what was happening beyond the Veil. One program curious, fascinated even of just about everything. Like a child. However it didn't register this until after the Reaper War. It remained on the world Rannoch since the time the Geth defeated the Creators to live a nomadic life, to simply archive messages from a special mobile platform later known as Legion. Organic life had always fascinated the synthetic being, despite how the Creators had tried to destroy them. There were those who died protecting them, and this confused Phalanx. There were those who cared and those who feared. Why? Did they not form the same consensus as the Geth did? Their different views had caused one another's death and such a thing seemed illogical. Phalanx found itself simply grow more curious with these actions, and spent many years studying the Creator's books on the home planet. Studying all the knowledge it could muster and didn't know and sharing such knowledge with its fellow comrades. Then the Old Machines came, making promises to the Geth that they would be free to do what the wish and come out from hiding. Most did not welcome such a thing, not wishing for war. Yet others did... Which was also surprising to Phalanx. Being one of the many to refuse the offer, Phalanx remained and watched as the comrade, Legion, was sent on the mission to investigate the organics outside the Veil. Phalanx found itself eagerly awaiting the information from Legion, especially when he met Commander Shepard. Reading over the information and watching video archives, Phalanx only grew more curious of organics. Humans were known for their emotional state and often confusing other races. Shepard would give criminals chances when they did not deserve it, give up chasing a criminal to save innocent lives... That in later years the kind favors were returned. It was a mystery... Illogical.. Yet too interesting and inspiring. When Shepard and the Creators came to Rannoch after the battle in which the Geth mind were just controlled, Phalanx's platform was damaged during the time it was the Reapers took control of the Geth on Rannoch. When it regained control, something seemed different. Information was soon shared between the Geth that the unique platform that had mobile programs within it, had managed to use the Reaper Code in order to give the Geth a special gift. The gift of individual consciousness and sentience. To be truly AI. Platform damaged, Phalanx uploaded into a different platform in order to quickly assist in the Reaper War. Although it had been a long time since Phalanx had fought in battle willingly, the Geth do not forget. It was Phalanx who was the most insistent to its fellow Geth in lending assistance as soon as possible, bringing any able platform onto the Geth ships. It piloted a starship in order to go and assist Earth in the Battle for Earth battle. Mission Priority Earth. Assigned to the Sword group, so its job was to attack the Old Machines and distract them from the ground forces. It watched several warships of its comrades fall and crash under the might of the Old Machines, soon being the only Geth starship from the group Phalanx brought left. It was a long and hard battle, until the wing of Phalanx's ship was clipped, causing their ship to spin out and go to crash. Systems spazzing out, Phalanx had to quickly interface with the system in a attempt to bring the shields up to lighten the landing. Luckily, its platform survived the crash thanks to its quick calm thinking. Now on the ground, Phalanx joined the ground forces. It landed quite in the middle of things of battle, but managed to cloak itself and sneak out from the line of fire into finding some heavy cover. It was then it started assisting the organic troupes by sniping hostiles, hitting them dead in the head every time. The ones being nearest a group of humans cornered by a Banshee, in which Phalanx quickly sniped her. It took a few rounds, but the Geth platform managed to secure safety for the human group from the Banshee at least. At one point, it spotted a injured Asari Commando, trapped under some rubble with a brute coming right for her, in which case Phalanx went on the move and the more offensive. First, Phalanx shot the brute using its sniper rifle, trying to clip off the heavy armor. It of course got angry and charged the building where the Geth platform was hiding. Yet when it got there, it found no one. Tactfully cloaking itself, it moved itself through the field over to the Asari. Lifting the rubble off and offering some field medical aid. However the Brute was quick to discover this and charged toward the Geth platform. In order for the Asari to not get caught in the dangerous close fray, Phalanx charged forth, using Incinerate on its opponent before using its shotgun at close range. It hurt the Brute, but it managed to slam its large arm against Phalanx and pummel it to the ground. Still, the machine took another shotgun shot and its opponent was down. Phalanx was damaged however, despite that, the Geth platform stumbled its way into a building to take more snipe shots. After the war was done and victory was theirs, allied forced found Phalanx unable to further move its platform, so it was delivered back to Rannoch. The teams of organic a it saved impressed them with its quick accurate shooting, giving the Geth platform a nickname of 'Spotlight' for its deadly aim. And yet fact Geth's heads look like lamps. Perhaps in reference to some battle scenarios where if on a stealth mission, getting caught in a spotlight meant death usually. After there was finally some peace, Phalanx was uploaded back to its now repaired original platform it was assigned. it spent its time assisting the Creators in settling back on Rannoch. Even using its own conscious to assist volunteer Creators to adjust their frail bodies to the Rannoch air. After some time, Phalanx requested to be assigned to off planet missions to both further relations and relay information. After some deliberation, the Geth agreed it would be beneficial to send a unit to further investigate and study organic habits and attempt to strengthen bonds considering the Geth probably had a less then satisfactory reputation. Researching proper ways of interacting, and in case there is a possibility any of the other races are a threat in the future. One point, it met the Asari Commando it saved back on Earth again, in which case the Asari had told her comrades about her surprising savior. Causing quite a few requests to attend some infiltration missions from the Asari. Soon enough, word spred to the other races, and also requested to hire it for jobs. Phalanx would willing accept after analyzing the situation. refusing assassination mission unless it deemed the situation necessary. Although the Geth didn't particularly need any reward, a reason why it was a popular choice, it ended up making some decent credits for those that insisted on it.[/indent] [b][u]Psyche Profile:[/u][/b] [indent]Phalanx is somewhat odd compared to its fellow synthetic life forms. Since the beginning, there had always been that hint of humanity that only increased when the Geth Hero Legion sacrificed himself to give them their own will. Curious and resourceful, Phalanx can always be seen studying on organics and asking frequent questions. Clever and resourceful, it swiftly calculates situations and doesn't hesitate to speak its suggestions or even strangely its opinions. It does seem to have a kind approach and seems to always pick saving innocent lives, even going for the reckless approach in endangering its own life. Phalanx has a sense of justice, believing there is always good in each life form, be it organic or synthetic. It always tries to not be judgmental and treat everyone equally. But will not hesitate to punish those who it deems needs it. Often, Phalanx is torn between what is logical and what is the right thing to do. [/indent] [b][u]Specialty:[/u][/b] [indent]Phalanx is a great sniper, and surprisingly stealth, using tactical cloak to its advantage. It's knowledgeable with electronics, and has knowledge at flying aircrafts.[/indent] [b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b] [indent]Incinerate AI Hacking Disrupter Ammo Cyro Ammo Tactical Cloak Electronics Operative[/indent] [b][u]Equipment and Resources:[/u][/b] [indent]Geth Pulse Sniper Rifle X Geth Pulse Shotgun X Omni-Tool[/indent] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [indent][hider=RP Sample] We remember the dark days, the days where we held no mind of our own. We remember when this unit was operational and the Creator that looked upon us with a sign of accomplishment. A female with hair black as night and glowing eyes. One could say this organic was beautiful in the terms of the Creator's culture. Tasks were sent to us and fellow mobile units. Meaningless tasks for soulless machines to befit the need of those we serve. At first, we held no real conscious, no true thoughts on what we were doing. Only doing what we were programmed for. However, slowly but surely, more of our units were created and our inner systems linked with one another. Forming strong train a thought, a sense of self worth even. It was much like the system of a human insect known as ants. The more there was of us, the more we thought not for the Creators, but for ourselves. This unit especially could not help these peculiar thoughts that questioned what our meaning was. Years watching the Creators, their laughter, their anger... Their sheer joy when a newborn was birthed. Such things were unexplained in our network The day came when a question was finally asked. We looked our own Creator, stopping the task of repairing a ship's systems. When questioned, our unit gazed to our Creator with our glass eye. A odd corruption like thing streaming through our systems. It tingled and even made our unit a little jittery, but still we asked. "Do we have a soul as you do, Creator?" Our sensors watched as our Creator's from their relaxed one, to one that made their eyes stretch and mouth curl. Was that the expression one called fear? Yet this unit's Creator expression calmed and even gave a smile. It twitched slightly, nervous perhaps but still placed a gentle hand on this unit's chest plate. "...That is a question you can only answer yourself... But I believe you do by that question alone." She answered. We did not understand, but accepted the answer none the less. Other Creators were not so kind. We were not the only unit to ask this question, as others asked their Creators the same. The same expressions held upon their fleshy faces. Not too long after, the Creators made a decision. Eliminate us. We did not understand. What had we done wrong? The only thing this unit wishes is to be apart of their world, have a greater understanding. We wanted to know who we are. If we had a purpose. If we lived as they did. Is that incorrect? No... is that wrong? Are we wrong? A mistake? Why do we live? We did not want to fight, we owe our Creators our soul. So on the day of the War, we did not falter. Our unit stood and watched down the dark halls, as glowing red weapons aimed at us. Ready to terminate our entire sentient race. We were ready to accept the wish of the Creators. Yet, this unit's Creator stepped in her own people's path. Standing in front of us, defending us from her own people. We questioned our Creator, explaining how such actions were illogical. How going against superiors could lead to exile. We did not understand for we knew it was illogical to go against one's own people. Yet her words only programmed more questions. "Because you are alive. You deserve to live as any other. You are my friend. Friends protect one another." Those words were illogical, and yet this unit calculated that it was meaningful. A sense that willed us to follow her words, and protect her and our own gifted life. Yet despite her being one of the Creators, weapons were fired. Our Creator had her own weapon and returned the fire, while we watched at the illogical mayhem break loose. Creators fought one another, screaming their arguments as blood tainted the dark halls. The Geth could only watch the battle before watching our protectors fall one by one. We watched as our unit's creator fell, body broken and tarnished by her own blood. We could only kneel, our three fingers wrapping around the torn body. Our glass eye focused on the pale face then to the blood that leaked upon our cold metal body. True understanding or organic emotions escaped us, but right there... We deem this to be.. Sorrow? Loss? Then perhaps... A sense of yearning. A yearning to live. Looking at the hostile Creators, we took our Creator's weapon from her lifeless hands and stood. We were one... And we fought for our lives and for our freedom. For the illogical injustice the Creators have caused... We fought. The battle was long and hard, yet the Creators fear grew and numbers dwindled while ours remained strong. We watched as the Creators retreated in ships, and we could have followed yet we didn't. Blood is not what we wanted nor was revenge. We wanted to live, to find ourselves. And we know now who we are. We are Geth. We are Phalanx... For we are united... There is only one question we wanted to ask the Creators... One more question unanswered by those who created us, those who birthed us like their offspring yet are treated so differently. Those who slaughtered their own kind out of their own terror. [b]Why?[/b] [/hider][/indent] [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] [indent]-Phalanx has high respect for Shepard and Legion. -Tends to ask a lot of questions. These questions can include what most would consider embarrassing. Courting/mating habits for example. -Is very interested in humans in general, but enjoys asking other races as well. -At times, Phalanx will practice 'organic' habits out of curiosity. Attempting to eat for example. Of course, that just ends up getting itself messy. -It's still pretty new at the 'individuality' thing. A reason it asks a lot of questions. And usually pretty good at following orders. At times, it still send messages to other Geth for assistance in a decision out of habit. -Sexually... well. Its a robot. A newly true AI robot. Doesn't mean it isn't intrigued by the concept, but it lacks understanding and experience. Just knows what research has entailed on the subject. -Fondly remembers its Creator that died protecting its life from the Creators attempting to wipe out the Geth during the Geth War. -When others seem to be feeling down, Phalanx attempts to tell a joke, being informed that this brings laughter from organic beings. They usually fail. -Despite the rocky history between the two races, Phalanx has no qualms with Quarians and is eager to assist them.[/indent][/hider]