[b]Name:[/b] William Francis Lyons [b]Nickname:[/b] Will, Francis [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] Irish [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdXFA3CWwAA0ror.jpg[/img] [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] William is your average as-expected man, with a love for exercise from boxing, unloading a few rounds at the shooting range, to crashing back at his home with his golden retriever Heidi. Due to his active and social lifestyle, he's a fairly in-shape and well-prepared man in terms of how to physically handle himself. Though he lacks any advanced knowledge on anything beyond basic first aid, any moderate understanding of sciences, or the patience to comprehend it; in a mad world, he doesn't have time for a college lesson or to bother humoring one. He's also never had to take a life, whether zombie or otherwise; seldom watching TV or having time for the movies between work and his extracurricular activities have left him the odd man out from most social media. When he will have to kill, it will remain with him as a horrid reminder of the new world, and he may even hesitate when met with children or infants to which are infected. [b]Character background:[/b] William Lyons was raised in Armagh, Ireland with a pair of loving middle-class parents, Alexandra and Thomas Lyons. A rather quiet but hands-on child, he grew to excel at physical activities whilst keeping his grades at an above average constant for the majority of his schooling. As a teenager, he was as mild as could be, unleashing any frustration he had upon the punching bag and relaxation at home with Heidi; his life only met diversity when he grew into his late teens and moved to his own nearby apartment upon Station Rd. Working full time as a teacher and coach for the local Epicentre Youth Group, he'd spend the good majority of his days helping children come to quelling their quarrels with their guarding and allowing them to ventilate any pent-up emotions they had in a safe environment or through acceptable means - such as punching pillows, counting to ten, jogging, ec cetra ad infinitum. For a few years, he kept up his life to aid youths through their troubles until he met some trouble of his own. Once night whilst at the local pub, he met a woman who would tug at his heartstrings more than any other; her name was Rebecca Lavoie, the woman who seemed so mellow and relaxed on the surface, only to entice young William with hints of lascivious grandeur and more, should they decide to know greater of each other after a few drinks and an exchange of numbers. Their relationship took off - yet she soon had to find herself returning back home to Toronto due to a soon-to-be expired visa keeping her time short. A year or so passed, with the two remaining in contact by basic social media - with William still quite new to it all, leaving him to be rather scatterbrained with anything new added onto his phone. Deciding that he had finally enough money saved to feel comfortable with a vacation, he had taken his flight for Toronto from Dublin and expected to see his lover once again. Unfortunately, this is when the local pandemic spread... William was staying at one of the local hotels before forced quarantines were established for all recipients of the building; one by one, they were led like cattle by what informal military personel could be afforded to handle the job before one of the infected residents had already turned on one of the higher floors and taken a few lives in their wake. While the military was busy fighting off the minor horde upon upper floors, William took the chance to escape from the chaos and leave the building as soon as he could; the streets were far less better off with cars piling into bumper-to-bumper traffic. Escaping by what street smarts he had by prowling about to his utmost extent, he snuck for one of the local closed gun stores to rob for a light yet simple firearm before sneaking out for shelter. He found himself to the bunker, taking the chance to seek refuge when he could. [b]Equipment:[/b] • 2 Bottles of Gatorade (Blue) • Leather Wallet (ID/LTC/$75) • Verizon Edge 7 Phone • Black Work Boots, Jeans, White T-Shirt with a dark-blue hoodie. [b]Weapons:[/b] • HK45 USP (3 Magazines of 12 round capacity) • Switchblade [color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color][/sub]