[center][h3][color=#FFDAB9]Killian Jones[/color][/h3] [hr][sub][h3][u][b]Time[/b][/u][/h3][h3]Day 2[/h3][h3][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/h3][h3]Charles House [/h3][/sub][/center] [hr] [color=#FFDAB9]“Good morning Azulia.”[/color] The man said as he shifted the eggs inside the pan. His mouth opened, as if to say something, until they both heard a bang followed by Charles’ voice grumbling something. The former gangster sighed and shook his head. [color=#FFDAB9]“I see that someone is having a bad day.”[/color] He mumbled to himself. The guy slowly turned the bacon as a yawn worked out of his throat. He stretched his arms above his head in attempt to help lessen the stiffness inside his muscles. The human made a mental note to call his old tattooist after asking Charles to remove the whole ink set. Something which made his body tense up. How long had it been since the first tattoo was done? How long had it been since the young man added the rose and rain to the gang tattoo? Years? Day? Months? In truth Killian had lost count during the time the professor had taken him under his wing. Granted that they're time was slowly creeping to an end due to the teacher’s new responsibility being inside the house now. Yes, it wasn't the young woman’s fault or even his best friend’s fault. In the back of his mind the African American truly wished that this day would have never come but it was time to look for a new home. One which he could call his own. The young man’s eyes shifted towards the door and noted Charles dragging his feet. This was fairly unusual for the man making curiosity claw at Killian’s mind for more details. Though the injury healing by the time they had gotten home had caught him by surprise. Then again this was Charles and weird seemed to be the main constancy in his life. The human stirred the eggs once again before grabbing three plates out of the cabinet. As much as he loved some of the antiques inside the house, though at times the man wanted to chuck that damn coffee grounder into a pawnshop and be done with the blasted thing forever, some more modern items would have been appreciated. Granted this action would cost the life span of his already limited money and paints. His eyes flickered towards the right when something moved in the corner of his eyesight. The guy’s lips curled into a small smile while the oldest of the three took the tray and exited the kitchen. Most times he would have went back inside the other room and took the tray back but considering that they had another mouth to feed it was best the other two started eating now. The guy turned off the heat from the stove and began to clean his mess. It didn't seem to take long thankfully so the human began plating their food and then brought two of them out. [color=#FFDAB9]"It's nothing fancy but it's food. Charles when you and Azulia are done may I ask for your help removing my tattoo?”[/color] He asked while placing the plates down.