[center][color=#9F79EE][h3]L I L Y[/h3][/color] [u][b]Interactions:[/b][/u] [@Polaris North] [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] Lily had been quite lucky so far. By staying to the ally's and avoiding any streets she came across, she in turn managed to avoid most of the zombies. She could hear some moaning and groaning behind fences but whenever she came across them she kept quiet and tiptoed past, avoiding accidentally kicking any rubbish littering the ground. She just hoped she wouldn't get lost in this maze of alleyways. However, she knew the gas station was in this generally direction, she's walked there plenty of times on her own. Of course those days there weren't man-eating monsters out for her flesh but if she didn't make any noise she would be fine. She noticed she was starting to become a bit thirsty from all of the walking but she knew she needed to ration..ration? Was that the word she was looking for? Anyway, she knew she needed to save her water and food because she didn't know when she would be able to get some more. All the people in the zombie movies or when any natural disaster happened always went to the stores and cleaned them out and so she was pretty sure the gas station had suffered the same fate. [i]But[/i] she couldn't see what use anyone would need of maps she this was her hope that there would still be some left that she could grab. She was just turning the corner of an alleyway to cross to the next when suddenly something slammed into her. She was caught off guard and sent flying, her hat becoming knocked off in the impact so her long braid went tumbling down her back. She hit the ground on her side and laid there for several moments, dazed before her instincts kicked in and screamed at her that lying prone on the ground was the best way to get herself eaten. She scrambled to her feet, hand flying to the gun holster where thankfully the weapon still rested. She jerked it out and pointed it shakily in front of her, finger on the trigger but not pulling. At least, she thought she was holding it right. She was fairly sure she was pointing the right end at the figure in front of her. However, when she actually focused on just who or what was in front of her, her movements stilled. It wasn't a monster knashing their teeth and moaning, but a boy that looked older than her but not quite an adult yet. Her mouth dropped into a little "o" as the child stared at him with wide eyes. Should she say hello or high-tail it in the other direction? She didn't know who this boy was or if he was friendly or not but the child could feel her body start to tremble in slight fear and anxiety, the gun giving it away as it bounced slightly in her hand as she kept it shakily pointed at him. [/center]