[@DriveEMOut][@Jangel13] Peggy turned her attention to the [i]person[/i] that lunged at Shift. The hairs on Peggy rose as she stumbled back, watching Shift attack the [i]student.[/i] Her eyes trailed to the student--no, the dead that dropped to the concrete. Her small hands shook, almost dropping her weapon. [i]W-Wait.. Calm down Peggy... Calm down.. This is reality, this is not a dream...[/i] Peggy's ears perked up when she heard Shift walk off, nervously, Peggy followed after. She lightly grasped onto the hems of his shirt, in hopes they wouldn't separate. Before she knew it something had caught Shift's attention. [i]Bus!?[/i] She felt a hand grab her arm as they both sprinted towards the vehicle. She heard groans here and there, worried whether [i]they[/i] were getting closer and closer to the both of them. The two of them arrived at the bus, rushing to get inside. Peggy wheezed as she settled down, [color=LightSalmon]"O-Oh boy wasn't that some workout.."[/color] She chuckled lightly before continuing,[color=LightSalmon] "..Ah.. Uhm, I'm Peggy." [/color]