[@Kautalya][@DriveEMOut] He turned to him as he came over to Shiba and he held his bat instinctively still on high alert but who could blame him he just killed someone and was still in partial shock. He listened as she said that he should go to the entrance and honk the horn. "Yeah and it will alert every zombie to us but then again buses weren't made to be quiet. I'll do one lap out front before stopping. If nobody comes out by the time the zombies start attacking the bus we leave" Shiba said giving out a plan to make sure that everyone had a chance. Shiba then put on his seatbelt and took a deep breath to calm down before he said "hang on!" Shiba said as he put the pedal to the metal running down any zombies that got close he then started to honk the horn to alert everyone. He would do one lap around the front of the school before stopping by the gate to wait...