Aliyah raised a brow and squinted her eyes giving him a look as he told her he wasn't going to take back the money. She did feel a little better as he mentioned that the largest portion went into the bank, but she still didn't take the money off the table. She leaned her hip against the edge of the table, taking a casual relaxed posture. He asked about things to do off the strip and she chewed her bottom lip. There was a lot of stuff to do, it just depended on what kind of things you were into. "It depends on the kinds of things you like to do. There is always the pinball museum, well a lot of museums actually. Or hiking. I think The Springs Preserve is pretty if you're into plants. I'm kind of a homebody myself, so unless you want a tour of the local libraries I'm not much help." She nodded her head sympathetically as he mentioned his last trip to Vegas not being all that great. That happened for a lot of people. Vegas was a lot like LA in that people came out with big dreams, and then discovered that not all that glitters is gold. She smiled a little when he invited her to join them on her break. She snuck a look at her watch, it wouldn't be too terribly long before she was off work. She was first cut today, which meant as soon as it slowed down, they would send her home. She was about to say something to that effect but he changed the subject to this being a working vacation. She cocked her head to the side and listened to him. "Sci fi huh? I've always been more of a mystery, romance, and fantasy kind of girl myself. But I tell you what... you write it. I'll read it." She said with a smile. It seemed everyone was writing a book these days. A book, or a screenplay. She loved to read, and if every one of her customers who was working on a book actually ever finished one, her reading pile would be much larger. She lightly tapped her fingers on the table and edged the stack of bills towards him before slipping back into the flow of servers around them. She had a spring in her step as she finished up with her tables. Most of the other tables had been very understanding of the chaos with her less than pleasant customers earlier. As the influx of customers slowed to a trickle Aliyah stopped taking tables. She instead focused on taking care of what was known as side work. Making sure the caddies on the tables were filled, that the tables were set for the next customers. Normally she would have let someone else go, and stayed through the lunch rush, but she decided that today she was completely fine with getting off when she was supposed to. She just finished wiping down her last table. That was it, she was done for the day. She glanced around and saw Duncan and his friend were still there. She grabbed the pot of coffee and headed over to give them a refill. "Still here? I promise the coffee isn't THAT good." She teased. She handed the pot of coffee off to Heather as she passed by, the other girl giving her a questioning look. Aliyah just shrugged, a silent communication that they would talk later. "So a working vacation huh? You should try just a vacation. Give your brain a break, and when you come back to your book, it will likely come easier."