[@Norschtalen] Oblivion wasn't realistic in the slightest. Excellent game, but not realistic. You could peg someone with an arrow and as long as you hid, they'd forget all about it. You can play a realistic stealthy character, but as stated above you don't have the skills. Light armour, marksman (with a bow, not throwing knives - more power), offensive and defensive spells are all nearly necessary things that will make a rogue character more believable. This is what your character is lacking. For a political intrigue or something taking place in a city, she would be awesome. For what our group do, not so much. A hunter would work nicely as long as the mentioned things are put in. Hell, she can still kill people! It was an interesting and different thing for her to have, especially when compared to the rest of the group. You'd just have to anticipate negativity from the group if it got out.